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Moh.Hassan edited this page Oct 10, 2019 · 1 revision

ParserSettings Properties

The ParserSettings type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public property AutoHelp Gets or sets a value indicating whether implicit option or verb 'help' should be supported.
Public property AutoVersion Gets or sets a value indicating whether implicit option or verb 'version' should be supported.
Public property CaseInsensitiveEnumValues Gets or sets a value indicating whether perform case sensitive comparisons of values. Note that case insensitivity only applies to values, not the parameters.
Public property CaseSensitive Gets or sets a value indicating whether perform case sensitive comparisons. Note that case insensitivity only applies to parameters, not the values assigned to them (for example, enum parsing).
Protected property Consumed
Public property EnableDashDash Gets or sets a value indicating whether enable double dash '--' syntax, that forces parsing of all subsequent tokens as values.
Public property HelpWriter Gets or sets the TextWriter used for help method output. Setting this property to null, will disable help screen.
Public property IgnoreUnknownArguments Gets or sets a value indicating whether the parser shall move on to the next argument and ignore the given argument if it encounter an unknown arguments
Public property MaximumDisplayWidth Gets or sets the maximum width of the display. This determines word wrap when displaying the text.
Protected property NameComparer
Public property ParsingCulture Gets or sets the culture used when parsing arguments to typed properties.
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See Also


ParserSettings Class
CommandLine Namespace

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