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A general purpose web scraper API built on Azure Container Apps

How to clone and deploy

Instructions use the Azure CLI exclusively, since that gives you the most control over the entire deployment.

  1. Resource Group: make sure you are using the right account/subscription from the CLI.

    1. Show currently selected account:
      az account show
    2. If you want to change the subscription:
      az account set --subscription <subscription-id>
      To lookup the subscription id:
      az account list --output table
    3. Create resource group:
      az group create --name scraper --location <location>
      To list available locations:
      az account list-locations --output table
    4. Ensure CLI extensions install automatically:
      az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt
  2. Log Analytics: setup a new log analytics workspace for logs from the app.

    1. Create it:
      az monitor log-analytics workspace create -g scraper -n scraper
      Copy the customerId value from the returned payload.
    2. Get shared key:
      az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys -g scraper -n scraper
  3. Container App Environment: create and configure the app environment with the logs workspace created above.

    1. List available locations for container app environments:
      az provider show -n Microsoft.App --query "resourceTypes[?resourceType=='managedEnvironments'].locations"
    2. Create with:
      az containerapp env create -g scraper -n scraper --logs-workspace-id [customerId] --logs-workspace-key [sharedKey] --location <location>
  4. Container Registry: deployments to an app come from images in a container registry, which is populated automatically from CI.

    1. Create with:
      az acr create -g scraper -n scraper --sku Basic --location <location>
      It's probably a good idea to use the same location as the app environment. Note the loginServer value in the returned payload.
    2. Login to it with:
      az acr login -n scraper
    3. Enable admin mode (so we can get the passwords) with:
      az acr update -n scraper --admin-enabled true
    4. Retrieve the username/password for the registry with:
      az acr credential show -n scraper
  5. Container App: finally!

    1. Create with:
      az containerapp create -g scraper -n scraper --environment scraper
    2. Enable HTTP ingress with:
      az containerapp ingress enable -g scraper -n scraper --type external --allow-insecure --target-port 80
      Note: we don't really need HTTPS since Azure will automatically provide a proper HTTPS endpoint.
    3. Set the container registry to use:
      az containerapp registry set -g scraper -n scraper --server <loginServer> --username scraper --password <password>
      Note the --server argument is the loginServer from the previous section.
  6. GitHub: on to the setup on the repo side.

    1. Clone the repo
    2. Create an Actions repository secret named AZURE_CONTAINER_PWD with the container registry password from step 4.4.
    3. Create credentials to update the resource group from CI:
      az ad sp create-for-rbac --name scraper --role contributor --scopes "/subscriptions/<subscription>/resourceGroups/scraper" --sdk-auth
      Copy the entire response payload.
    4. Create an Actions repository secret named AZURE_CREDENTIALS with the copied value.
    5. If you changed resource names, update the build.yml file accordingly.

Now you can run the build workflow and see it live!


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