A general purpose web scraper API built on Azure Container Apps
Instructions use the Azure CLI exclusively, since that gives you the most control over the entire deployment.
Resource Group: make sure you are using the right account/subscription from the CLI.
- Show currently selected account:
az account show
- If you want to change the subscription:
To lookup the subscription id:
az account set --subscription <subscription-id>
az account list --output table
- Create resource group:
To list available locations:
az group create --name scraper --location <location>
az account list-locations --output table
- Ensure CLI extensions install automatically:
az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt
- Show currently selected account:
Log Analytics: setup a new log analytics workspace for logs from the app.
- Create it:
Copy the
az monitor log-analytics workspace create -g scraper -n scraper
value from the returned payload. - Get shared key:
az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys -g scraper -n scraper
- Create it:
Container App Environment: create and configure the app environment with the logs workspace created above.
- List available locations for container app environments:
az provider show -n Microsoft.App --query "resourceTypes[?resourceType=='managedEnvironments'].locations"
- Create with:
az containerapp env create -g scraper -n scraper --logs-workspace-id [customerId] --logs-workspace-key [sharedKey] --location <location>
- List available locations for container app environments:
Container Registry: deployments to an app come from images in a container registry, which is populated automatically from CI.
- Create with:
It's probably a good idea to use the same location as the app environment. Note the
az acr create -g scraper -n scraper --sku Basic --location <location>
value in the returned payload. - Login to it with:
az acr login -n scraper
- Enable admin mode (so we can get the passwords) with:
az acr update -n scraper --admin-enabled true
- Retrieve the username/password for the registry with:
az acr credential show -n scraper
- Create with:
Container App: finally!
- Create with:
az containerapp create -g scraper -n scraper --environment scraper
- Enable HTTP ingress with:
Note: we don't really need HTTPS since Azure will automatically provide a proper HTTPS endpoint.
az containerapp ingress enable -g scraper -n scraper --type external --allow-insecure --target-port 80
- Set the container registry to use:
Note the
az containerapp registry set -g scraper -n scraper --server <loginServer> --username scraper --password <password>
argument is theloginServer
from the previous section.
- Create with:
GitHub: on to the setup on the repo side.
- Clone the repo
- Create an Actions repository secret named
with the container registry password from step4.4
. - Create credentials to update the resource group from CI:
Copy the entire response payload.
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name scraper --role contributor --scopes "/subscriptions/<subscription>/resourceGroups/scraper" --sdk-auth
- Create an Actions repository secret named
with the copied value. - If you changed resource names, update the build.yml file accordingly.
Now you can run the build
workflow and see it live!