A space-themed voting system used to allow participants to vote for their favorite computer science display at Kansas State University's Open House 2018. The votes are displayed on a leaderboard that can be projected to a TV.
This project can be modified to be used for future K-State Open House events.
Data and customization can be set on the admin page on /admin.
The leaderboard can be viewed on /leaderboard, and the voting can be found on /vote.
npm install
npm start -> Runs the server on port 3001
- Clifford Meeks - Back-end - cjmeeks
- Ryan Williams - Front-end, UX Design - rpwilliams
- Daniel Lovell - Various modifications and tweaks - djlovell
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Trophy by Will Gausmann from the Noun Project under the Creative Commons License
- Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
- CSS spaceship sequence inspired by https://codepen.io/sok213/pen/zvrqqv
- Error alert styles inspired by https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_alert.asp
- Footer styles inspired by https://tutorialzine.com/2015/01/freebie-5-responsive-footer-templates
- Responsive voting card grid inspired by https://bryanlrobinson.com/blog/2017/07/26/howto-css-grid-layout-to-make-a-simple-fluid-card-grid/
- Vote button inspired by https://tympanus.net/Development/CreativeButtons/