Eclipse Che® CLI
Issues are tracked on the main Eclipse Che® Repository:
There are two channels of chectl
: stable
and next
Stable is for all tagged versions of Eclipse Che®. Next is updated after each commit/Pull Request being merged in main branch of the Chectl repository.
If you're using Windows x64, here is how to install chectl by using one single PowerShell command:
- For
C:\Users> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
- For
C:\Users> $CHANNEL="next"; Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
If you're using linux or macOS, here is how to install chectl by using one single command:
- For
$ bash <(curl -sL
- For
$ bash <(curl -sL --channel=next
Manual install:
- Download a .tgz file based on your Operating System / Arch from
- Unpack the assembly
- Move
folder into a folder like$HOME/chectl
- Add alias
alias chectl=$HOME/chectl/bin/run
- Download a .tgz file based on your Operating System / Arch from
- Unpack the assembly into a local repository
CLIENT_DIR=${XDG_DATA_HOME:="$(cd && pwd)/.local/share"}/chectl/client/${CHECTL_VERSION}
mkdir ${CLIENT_DIR} -p
tar -xzf ${CHECTL_BINARIES} -C ${CLIENT_DIR} --strip-components=1
- Update
from the local repositorychectl update --from-local
by prompting the downloaded version
$ chectl server:start
running command...
$ chectl server:stop
running command...
$ chectl --help [COMMAND]
$ chectl COMMAND
chectl autocomplete [SHELL]
chectl cacert:export
chectl commands
chectl dashboard:open
chectl help [COMMANDS]
chectl server:debug
chectl server:delete
chectl server:deploy
chectl server:logs
chectl server:start
chectl server:status
chectl server:stop
chectl server:update
chectl update [CHANNEL]
chectl version
display autocomplete installation instructions
$ chectl autocomplete [SHELL] [-r]
SHELL (zsh|bash|powershell) Shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
display autocomplete installation instructions
$ chectl autocomplete
$ chectl autocomplete bash
$ chectl autocomplete zsh
$ chectl autocomplete powershell
$ chectl autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete
Retrieves Eclipse Che self-signed certificate
$ chectl cacert:export [-h] [-n <value>] [--telemetry on|off] [-d <value>]
-d, --destination=<value>
Destination where to store Eclipse Che self-signed CA certificate.
If the destination is a file (might not exist), then the certificate will be saved there in PEM format.
If the destination is a directory, then cheCA.crt file will be created there with Eclipse Che certificate in PEM
If this option is omitted, then Eclipse Che certificate will be stored in a user's temporary directory as cheCA.crt.
-h, --help
Show CLI help.
-n, --chenamespace=<value>
Eclipse Che Kubernetes namespace.
Enable or disable telemetry. This flag skips a prompt and enable/disable telemetry
<options: on|off>
Retrieves Eclipse Che self-signed certificate
See code: src/commands/cacert/export.ts
list all the commands
$ chectl commands [--json] [-h] [--hidden] [--tree] [--columns <value> | -x] [--filter <value>] [--no-header
| [--csv | --no-truncate]] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ] [--sort <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--hidden show hidden commands
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--tree show tree of commands
--json Format output as json.
list all the commands
See code: @oclif/plugin-commands
Open Eclipse Che dashboard
$ chectl dashboard:open [-h] [-n <value>] [--telemetry on|off]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --chenamespace=<value> Eclipse Che Kubernetes namespace.
--telemetry=<option> Enable or disable telemetry. This flag skips a prompt and enable/disable telemetry
<options: on|off>
Open Eclipse Che dashboard
See code: src/commands/dashboard/open.ts
Display help for chectl.
$ chectl help [COMMANDS] [-n]
COMMANDS Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for chectl.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Enable local debug of Eclipse Che server
$ chectl server:debug [-h] [--debug-port <value>] [-n <value>] [--telemetry on|off]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --chenamespace=<value> Eclipse Che Kubernetes namespace.
--debug-port=<value> [default: 8000] Eclipse Che server debug port
--skip-kubernetes-health-check Skip Kubernetes health check
--telemetry=<option> Enable or disable telemetry. This flag skips a prompt and enable/disable telemetry
<options: on|off>
Enable local debug of Eclipse Che server
See code: src/commands/server/debug.ts
delete any Eclipse Che related resource
$ chectl server:delete [-h] [-n <value>] [--delete-all] [--delete-namespace] [--telemetry on|off]
[--skip-kubernetes-health-check] [-y | --batch]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --chenamespace=<value> Eclipse Che Kubernetes namespace.
-y, --yes Automatic yes to prompts; assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run
--batch Batch mode. Running a command without end user interaction.
--delete-all Indicates to delete Eclipse Che and Dev Workspace related resources
--delete-namespace Indicates that a Eclipse Che namespace will be deleted as well
--skip-kubernetes-health-check Skip Kubernetes health check
--telemetry=<option> Enable or disable telemetry. This flag skips a prompt and enable/disable telemetry
<options: on|off>
delete any Eclipse Che related resource
See code: src/commands/server/delete.ts
Deploy Eclipse Che server
$ chectl server:deploy [-h] [-n <value>] [--batch] [-i <value>] [-t <value>] [--devfile-registry-url <value>]
[--plugin-registry-url <value>] [--k8spodwaittimeout <value>] [--k8spodreadytimeout <value>]
[--k8spoddownloadimagetimeout <value>] [--k8spoderrorrechecktimeout <value>] [-d <value>] [-p
minikube|k8s|openshift|microk8s|docker-desktop|crc] [-b <value>] [--debug] [--che-operator-image <value>]
[--che-operator-cr-yaml <value>] [--che-operator-cr-patch-yaml <value>] [--workspace-pvc-storage-class-name <value>]
[--skip-version-check] [--skip-cert-manager] [--skip-devworkspace-operator] [--auto-update] [--starting-csv <value>]
[--package-manifest-name <value>] [--catalog-source-yaml <value> --olm-channel <value>] [--catalog-source-name
<value> --catalog-source-namespace <value> ] [--catalog-source-image <value> ] [--cluster-monitoring] [--telemetry
on|off] [--skip-kubernetes-health-check]
-b, --domain=<value>
Domain of the Kubernetes cluster (e.g. or <local-ip>
This flag makes sense only for Kubernetes family infrastructures and will be autodetected for Minikube and MicroK8s
in most cases.
However, for Kubernetes cluster it is required to specify.
Please note, that just setting this flag will not likely work out of the box.
According changes should be done in Kubernetes cluster configuration as well.
In case of Openshift, domain adjustment should be done on the cluster configuration level.
-d, --directory=<value>
Directory to store logs into
-h, --help
Show CLI help.
-i, --cheimage=<value>
Eclipse Che server container image
-n, --chenamespace=<value>
Eclipse Che Kubernetes namespace.
-p, --platform=<option>
Type of Kubernetes platform.
<options: minikube|k8s|openshift|microk8s|docker-desktop|crc>
-t, --templates=<value>
Path to the templates folder
Auto update approval strategy for installation Eclipse Che.
With this strategy will be provided auto-update Eclipse Che without any human interaction.
By default this flag is enabled.
Batch mode. Running a command without end user interaction.
OLM catalog source image or index bundle (IIB) from which to install the Eclipse Che operator.
Name of the OLM catalog source or index bundle (IIB) from which to install Eclipse Che operator.
Namespace for OLM catalog source to install Eclipse Che operator.
Path to a yaml file that describes custom catalog source for installation Eclipse Che operator.
Catalog source will be applied to the namespace with Eclipse Che operator.
Also you need define 'olm-channel' name and 'package-manifest-name'.
Path to a yaml file that overrides the default values in CheCluster CR used by the operator. This parameter is used
only when the installer is the 'operator' or the 'olm'.
Path to a yaml file that defines a CheCluster used by the operator.
Container image of the operator.
Enable cluster monitoring to scrape Eclipse Che metrics in Prometheus.
This parameter is used only when the platform is 'openshift'.
'Enables the debug mode for Eclipse Che server. To debug Eclipse Che server from localhost use 'server:debug'
The URL of the external Devfile registry.
[default: 1200000] Waiting time for Pod downloading image (in milliseconds)
[default: 60000] Waiting time for Pod rechecking error (in milliseconds)
[default: 120000] Waiting time for Pod Ready condition (in milliseconds)
[default: 120000] Waiting time for Pod scheduled condition (in milliseconds)
Olm channel to install Eclipse Che, f.e. stable.
If options was not set, will be used default version for package manifest.
Package manifest name to subscribe to Eclipse Che OLM package manifest.
The URL of the external plugin registry.
Skip installing Cert Manager (Kubernetes cluster only).
Skip installing Dev Workspace Operator.
Skip Kubernetes health check
Skip minimal versions check.
Starting cluster service version(CSV) for installation Eclipse Che.
Flags uses to set up start installation version Che.
For example: 'starting-csv' provided with value 'eclipse-che.v7.10.0' for stable channel.
Then OLM will install Eclipse Che with version 7.10.0.
Notice: this flag will be ignored with 'auto-update' flag. OLM with auto-update mode installs the latest known
Enable or disable telemetry. This flag skips a prompt and enable/disable telemetry
<options: on|off>
persistent volume(s) storage class name to use to store Eclipse Che workspaces data
Deploy Eclipse Che server
See code: src/commands/server/deploy.ts
Collect Eclipse Che logs
$ chectl server:logs [-h] [-d <value>] [-n <value>] [--telemetry on|off] [--skip-kubernetes-health-check]
-d, --directory=<value> Directory to store logs into
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --chenamespace=<value> Eclipse Che Kubernetes namespace.
--skip-kubernetes-health-check Skip Kubernetes health check
--telemetry=<option> Enable or disable telemetry. This flag skips a prompt and enable/disable telemetry
<options: on|off>
Collect Eclipse Che logs
See code: src/commands/server/logs.ts
Start Eclipse Che server
$ chectl server:start [-h] [-n <value>] [--telemetry on|off] [--skip-kubernetes-health-check] [--batch]
[--k8spodwaittimeout <value>] [--k8spodreadytimeout <value>] [--k8spoddownloadimagetimeout <value>]
[--k8spoderrorrechecktimeout <value>] [-d <value>]
-d, --directory=<value> Directory to store logs into
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --chenamespace=<value> Eclipse Che Kubernetes namespace.
--batch Batch mode. Running a command without end user interaction.
--k8spoddownloadimagetimeout=<value> [default: 1200000] Waiting time for Pod downloading image (in milliseconds)
--k8spoderrorrechecktimeout=<value> [default: 60000] Waiting time for Pod rechecking error (in milliseconds)
--k8spodreadytimeout=<value> [default: 120000] Waiting time for Pod Ready condition (in milliseconds)
--k8spodwaittimeout=<value> [default: 120000] Waiting time for Pod scheduled condition (in milliseconds)
--skip-kubernetes-health-check Skip Kubernetes health check
--telemetry=<option> Enable or disable telemetry. This flag skips a prompt and enable/disable
<options: on|off>
Start Eclipse Che server
See code: src/commands/server/start.ts
Status Eclipse Che server
$ chectl server:status [-h] [-n <value>] [--telemetry on|off]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --chenamespace=<value> Eclipse Che Kubernetes namespace.
--telemetry=<option> Enable or disable telemetry. This flag skips a prompt and enable/disable telemetry
<options: on|off>
Status Eclipse Che server
See code: src/commands/server/status.ts
stop Eclipse Che server
$ chectl server:stop [-h] [-n <value>] [--telemetry on|off] [--skip-kubernetes-health-check]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --chenamespace=<value> Eclipse Che Kubernetes namespace.
--skip-kubernetes-health-check Skip Kubernetes health check
--telemetry=<option> Enable or disable telemetry. This flag skips a prompt and enable/disable telemetry
<options: on|off>
stop Eclipse Che server
See code: src/commands/server/stop.ts
Update Eclipse Che server.
$ chectl server:update [-h] [-n <value>] [-y | --batch] [-t <value>] [--che-operator-image <value>]
[--che-operator-cr-patch-yaml <value>] [--skip-devworkspace-operator] [--skip-kubernetes-health-check]
[--skip-version-check] [--telemetry on|off] [--package-manifest-name <value>] [--catalog-source-namespace <value>
--catalog-source-name <value> --olm-channel <value>] [--catalog-source-yaml <value> ] [--catalog-source-image
<value> ] [--auto-update] [--starting-csv <value>]
-h, --help
Show CLI help.
-n, --chenamespace=<value>
Eclipse Che Kubernetes namespace.
-t, --templates=<value>
Path to the templates folder
-y, --yes
Automatic yes to prompts; assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively
Auto update approval strategy for installation Eclipse Che.
With this strategy will be provided auto-update Eclipse Che without any human interaction.
By default this flag is enabled.
Batch mode. Running a command without end user interaction.
OLM catalog source image or index bundle (IIB) from which to install the Eclipse Che operator.
Name of the OLM catalog source or index bundle (IIB) from which to install Eclipse Che operator.
Namespace for OLM catalog source to install Eclipse Che operator.
Path to a yaml file that describes custom catalog source for installation Eclipse Che operator.
Catalog source will be applied to the namespace with Eclipse Che operator.
Also you need define 'olm-channel' name and 'package-manifest-name'.
Path to a yaml file that overrides the default values in CheCluster CR used by the operator. This parameter is used
only when the installer is the 'operator' or the 'olm'.
Container image of the operator.
Olm channel to install Eclipse Che, f.e. stable.
If options was not set, will be used default version for package manifest.
Package manifest name to subscribe to Eclipse Che OLM package manifest.
Skip installing Dev Workspace Operator.
Skip Kubernetes health check
Skip minimal versions check.
Starting cluster service version(CSV) for installation Eclipse Che.
Flags uses to set up start installation version Che.
For example: 'starting-csv' provided with value 'eclipse-che.v7.10.0' for stable channel.
Then OLM will install Eclipse Che with version 7.10.0.
Notice: this flag will be ignored with 'auto-update' flag. OLM with auto-update mode installs the latest known
Enable or disable telemetry. This flag skips a prompt and enable/disable telemetry
<options: on|off>
Update Eclipse Che server.
# Update Eclipse Che:
$ chectl server:update
# Update Eclipse Che in 'eclipse-che' namespace:
$ chectl server:update -n eclipse-che
# Update Eclipse Che and update its configuration in the custom resource:
$ chectl server:update --che-operator-cr-patch-yaml patch.yaml
# Update Eclipse Che from the provided channel:
$ chectl server:update --olm-channel next
# Update Eclipse Che from the provided CatalogSource and channel:
$ chectl server:update --olm-channel fast --catalog-source-name MyCatalogName --catalog-source-namespace \
# Create CatalogSource based on provided image and update Eclipse Che from it:
$ chectl server:update --olm-channel latest --catalog-source-image MyCatalogImage
# Create a CatalogSource defined in yaml file and update Eclipse Che from it:
$ chectl server:update --olm-channel stable --catalog-source-yaml PATH_TO_CATALOG_SOURCE_YAML
See code: src/commands/server/update.ts
update the chectl CLI
$ chectl update [CHANNEL] [--from-local]
--from-local interactively choose an already installed version
update the chectl CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-update
$ chectl version [--json] [--verbose]
--verbose Show additional information about the CLI.
--json Format output as json.
--verbose Show additional information about the CLI.
Additionally shows the architecture, node version, operating system, and versions of plugins that the CLI is using.
See code: @oclif/plugin-version
Contributing to chectl is covered in
This repo contains several actions, including:
Downstream builds can be found at the link below, which is internal to Red Hat. Stable builds can be found by replacing the 3.x with a specific version like 3.2.
See also:
Eclipse Che® is open sourced under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.
"Che" is a trademark of the Eclipse Foundation.