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A sample application which shows how to handle authentication with custom authorization. The system is build on an docker environment for easy setup and use.

Here a list of implemented features and tested:

  • Token authentication (with roles to auhorize)
  • Account registration
  • Password reset function
  • Forgot password (with sending an email)
  • set password as admin
  • send emails with templates
  • basic i18n integration


Install Docker on your system.

Install Docker Compose on your system.

  • Python/pip: sudo pip install -U docker-compose
  • Other: curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose


First you need to run docker-compose build in order to build the docker files. Next you need docker-compose up to download the dependencies and run the linked containers. Your final command will decide if you run the application in normal mode, in development mode or if you want to run the tests. The option --service-ports exposes all ports in a run command, by default ports just get exposed by the command docker-compose up.

# docker-compose build
# docker-compose up -d

# docker-compose run --service-ports web npm start
# docker-compose run --service-ports web gulp
# docker-compose run web npm test

Now you can easily view the website at http://localhost on your host machine.

Todo List

The points below are the current todo list. Feel free to add points.

  • Test Data loading with dependencies instead of order
  • facebook/twitter login for mobile and web
  • token for devices
  • user account history
  • change promises with async/await
  • add api documentation as markdown
  • research about good practises in email templates (maybe use React Templates)
  • research about how to handle links in i18n strings
  • add isomorph call of cms
  • update babel to 6.x
  • update eslint to 2.x and add airbnb as linter default


View the License


Feel free to fork and make pull requests! I am very happy to see new stuff and merge it into the project