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updated print view key styles
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sephcoster committed May 5, 2015
1 parent 888bc7a commit 2d7142b
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Showing 6 changed files with 216 additions and 183 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions frontend/src/less/mapusaurus/map.less
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -580,10 +580,12 @@ select {

#key {
width: 230px;
background-color: #fff;

.show-hide-control {
text-align: right;
cursor: pointer;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,6 +692,11 @@ select {
display: none !important;

#key {
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid @black;


5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions mapusaurus/basestyle/static/basestyle/css/mapusaurus.css

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

98 changes: 56 additions & 42 deletions mapusaurus/basestyle/static/basestyle/js/vendor.min.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4809,7 +4809,7 @@
var u = this;
u.version = "2.21.4", u.parsers = [], u.widgets = [], u.defaults = {
u.version = "2.21.5", u.parsers = [], u.widgets = [], u.defaults = {
theme: "default",
widthFixed: !1,
showProcessing: !1,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5631,7 +5631,9 @@
for (h in n) "string" == typeof h && (g += "" === g ? '<option value="">' + ("placeholder") || j.attr("data-placeholder") || || "") + "</option>" : "",
m = h, i = h, h.indexOf(f.filter_selectSourceSeparator) >= 0 && (m = h.split(f.filter_selectSourceSeparator),
i = m[1], m = m[0]), g += "<option " + (i === m ? "" : 'data-function-name="' + h + '" ') + 'value="' + m + '">' + i + "</option>");
e.$table.find("thead").find("select." + c.filter + '[data-column="' + k + '"]').append(g);
e.$table.find("thead").find("select." + c.filter + '[data-column="' + k + '"]').append(g),
i = f.filter_selectSource, n = a.isFunction(i) ? !0 : b.getColumnData(d, i, k),
n && b.filter.buildSelect(e.table, k, "", !0, j.hasClass(f.filter_onlyAvail));
b.filter.buildDefault(d, !0), b.filter.bindSearch(d, e.$table.find("." + c.filter), !0),
f.filter_external && b.filter.bindSearch(d, f.filter_external), f.filter_hideFilters && b.filter.hideFilters(d, e),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5771,7 +5773,15 @@
}, L = [ "range", "notMatch", "operators" ];
for (K.parsed = I.$ {
return I.parsers && I.parsers[d] && I.parsers[d].parsed || b.getData && "parsed" === b.getData(I.$headerIndexed[d], b.getColumnData(c, I.headers, d), "filter") || a(this).hasClass("filter-parsed");
}).get(), I.debug && (b.log("Filter: Starting filter widget search", d), u = new Date()),
}).get(), J.filter_indexed = {
functions: [],
excludeFilter: [],
defaultColFilter: [],
defaultAnyFilter: b.getColumnData(c, J.filter_defaultFilter, I.columns, !0) || ""
}, n = 0; n < I.columns; n++) J.filter_indexed.functions[n] = b.getColumnData(c, J.filter_functions, n),
J.filter_indexed.defaultColFilter[n] = b.getColumnData(c, J.filter_defaultFilter, n) || "",
J.filter_indexed.excludeFilter[n] = (b.getColumnData(c, J.filter_excludeFilter, n, !0) || "").split(/\s+/);
for (I.debug && (b.log("Filter: Starting filter widget search", d), u = new Date()),
I.filteredRows = 0, I.totalRows = 0, e = (d || []).join(""), j = 0; j < I.$tbodies.length; j++) {
if (k = b.processTbody(c, I.$tbodies.eq(j), !0), n = I.columns, g = I.cache[j].normalized,
h = a(, function(a) {
Expand All @@ -5789,7 +5799,7 @@
y) for (w = 0; n + 1 > w; w++) v = d[w] || "", y || (w = n), y = !(!y || !p.length || 0 !== v.indexOf(p[w] || "") || H.alreadyFiltered.test(v) || /[=\"\|!]/.test(v) || /(>=?\s*-\d)/.test(v) || /(<=?\s*\d)/.test(v) || "" !== v && I.$filters && I.$filters.eq(w).find("select").length && !I.$headerIndexed[w].hasClass("filter-match"));
for (x = h.not("." + J.filter_filteredRow).length, y && 0 === x && (y = !1), I.debug && b.log("Filter: Searching through " + (y && f > x ? x : "all") + " rows"),
K.anyMatchFlag && (I.sortLocaleCompare && (K.anyMatchFilter = b.replaceAccents(K.anyMatchFilter)),
J.filter_defaultFilter && H.iQuery.test(b.getColumnData(c, J.filter_defaultFilter, I.columns, !0) || "") && (K.anyMatchFilter = b.filter.defaultFilter(K.anyMatchFilter, b.getColumnData(c, J.filter_defaultFilter, I.columns, !0)),
J.filter_defaultFilter && H.iQuery.test(J.filter_indexed.defaultAnyFilter) && (K.anyMatchFilter = b.filter.defaultFilter(K.anyMatchFilter, J.filter_indexed.defaultAnyFilter),
y = !1), K.iAnyMatchFilter = J.filter_ignoreCase && I.ignoreCase ? K.anyMatchFilter.toLocaleLowerCase() : K.anyMatchFilter),
i = 0; f > i; i++) if (K.cacheArray = g[i], o = h[i].className, !(H.child.test(o) || y && H.filtered.test(o))) {
if (t = !0, o = h.eq(i).nextUntil("tr:not(." + I.cssChildRow + ")"), K.childRowText = o.length && J.filter_childRows ? o.text() : "",
Expand All @@ -5810,19 +5820,19 @@
t = t || 0 === K.rowArray[n].indexOf(K.iFilter); else t = (K.iExact + K.childRowText).indexOf(K.iFilter) >= 0;
K.anyMatch = !1;
for (n = 0; n < I.columns; n++) K.filter = d[n], K.index = n, A = (b.getColumnData(c, J.filter_excludeFilter, n, !0) || "").split(/\s+/),
for (n = 0; n < I.columns; n++) K.filter = d[n], K.index = n, A = J.filter_indexed.excludeFilter[n],
K.filter && (K.cache = K.cacheArray[n], J.filter_useParsedData || K.parsed[n] ? K.exact = K.cache : (v = l[n],
s = v ? a.trim(v.getAttribute(I.textAttribute) || v.textContent || l.eq(n).text()) : "",
K.exact = I.sortLocaleCompare ? b.replaceAccents(s) : s), K.iExact = !H.type.test(typeof K.exact) && J.filter_ignoreCase ? K.exact.toLocaleLowerCase() : K.exact,
s = t, C = J.filter_columnFilters ? I.$filters.add(I.$externalFilters).filter('[data-column="' + n + '"]').find("select option:selected").attr("data-function-name") || "" : "",
I.sortLocaleCompare && (K.filter = b.replaceAccents(K.filter)), v = !0, J.filter_defaultFilter && H.iQuery.test(b.getColumnData(c, J.filter_defaultFilter, n) || "") && (K.filter = b.filter.defaultFilter(K.filter, b.getColumnData(c, J.filter_defaultFilter, n)),
I.sortLocaleCompare && (K.filter = b.replaceAccents(K.filter)), v = !0, J.filter_defaultFilter && H.iQuery.test(J.filter_indexed.defaultColFilter[n]) && (K.filter = b.filter.defaultFilter(K.filter, J.filter_indexed.defaultColFilter[n]),
v = !1), K.iFilter = J.filter_ignoreCase ? (K.filter || "").toLocaleLowerCase() : K.filter,
B = b.getColumnData(c, J.filter_functions, n), m = I.$headerIndexed[n], q = m.hasClass("filter-select"),
B || q && v ? B === !0 || q ? s = m.hasClass("filter-match") ? >= 0 : K.filter === K.exact : "function" == typeof B ? s = B(K.exact, K.cache, K.filter, n, h.eq(i), I) : "function" == typeof B[C || K.filter] && (s = B[C || K.filter](K.exact, K.cache, K.filter, n, h.eq(i), I)) : (z = null,
a.each(b.filter.types, function(b, c) {
B = J.filter_indexed.functions[n], m = I.$headerIndexed[n], q = m.hasClass("filter-select"),
z = null, (B || q && v) && (B === !0 || q ? z = m.hasClass("filter-match") ? >= 0 : K.filter === K.exact : "function" == typeof B ? z = B(K.exact, K.cache, K.filter, n, h.eq(i), I) : "function" == typeof B[C || K.filter] && (z = B[C || K.filter](K.exact, K.cache, K.filter, n, h.eq(i), I))),
null === z ? (a.each(b.filter.types, function(b, c) {
return a.inArray(b, A) < 0 && (r = c(I, K), null !== r) ? (z = r, !1) : void 0;
}), null !== z ? s = z : (K.exact = (K.iExact + K.childRowText).indexOf(b.filter.parseFilter(I, K.iFilter, n, K.parsed[n])),
s = !J.filter_startsWith && K.exact >= 0 || J.filter_startsWith && 0 === K.exact)),
s = !J.filter_startsWith && K.exact >= 0 || J.filter_startsWith && 0 === K.exact)) : s = z,
t = s ? t : !1);
h.eq(i).toggleClass(J.filter_filteredRow, !t)[0].display = t ? "" : "none", o.length && o.toggleClass(J.filter_filteredRow, !t);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6046,21 +6056,22 @@
setWidths: function(b, d, e) {
var f, g = a(b.namespace + "_extra_headers"), h = b.$table.children("colgroup").children("col");
if (e = e || d.resizable_.storedSizes || [], e.length) {
for (f = 0; f < b.columns; f++) b.$headers.eq(f).width(e[f]), g.length && c.resizable.setWidth(g.eq(f).add(h.eq(f)), e[f]);
for (f = 0; f < b.columns; f++) b.$headerIndexed[f].width(e[f]), g.length && c.resizable.setWidth(g.eq(f).add(h.eq(f)), e[f]);
a(b.namespace + "_extra_table").length && !c.hasWidget(b.table, "scroller") && c.resizable.setWidth(a(b.namespace + "_extra_table"), b.$table.outerWidth());
setHandlePosition: function(b, d) {
var e = (b.$table.outerWidth(), c.hasWidget(b.table, "scroller")), f = b.$table.height(), g = d.$resizable_container.children(), h = Math.floor(g.width() / 2 - 2 * parseFloat(b.$headers.css("border-right-width")));
e && (f = 0, b.$table.closest("." + c.css.scrollerWrap).children().each(function() {
var e, f = c.hasWidget(b.table, "scroller"), g = b.$table.height(), h = d.$resizable_container.children(), i = Math.floor(h.width() / 2);
f && (g = 0, b.$table.closest("." + c.css.scrollerWrap).children().each(function() {
var b = a(this);
f += b.filter('[style*="height"]').length ? b.height() : b.children("table").height();
})), g.each(function() {
var c = a(this), e = parseInt(c.attr("data-column"), 10), g = b.columns - 1, i ="header");
(g > e || e === g && d.resizable_addLastColumn) && c.css({
height: f,
left: i.position().left + i.width() - h
g += b.filter('[style*="height"]').length ? b.height() : b.children("table").height();
})), e = b.$table.position().left, h.each(function() {
var c = a(this), f = parseInt(c.attr("data-column"), 10), h = b.columns - 1, j ="header");
j && (":visible") ? (h > f || f === h && d.resizable_addLastColumn) && c.css({
display: "inline-block",
height: g,
left: j.position().left - e + j.outerWidth() - i
}) : c.hide());
toggleTextSelection: function(b, d) {
Expand All @@ -6071,13 +6082,13 @@
bindings: function(d, e) {
var f = d.namespace + "tsresize";
e.$resizable_container.children().bind("mousedown", function(b) {
var f, g = e.resizable_, h = a(d.namespace + "_extra_headers"), i = a("header");
f = parseInt(i.attr("data-column"), 10), g.$target = i = i.add(h.filter('[data-column="' + f + '"]')), = f, g.$next = b.shiftKey || e.resizable_targetLast ? i.parent().children().not(".resizable-false").filter(":last") : i.nextAll(":not(.resizable-false)").eq(0),
f = parseInt(g.$next.attr("data-column"), 10), g.$next = g.$next.add(h.filter('[data-column="' + f + '"]')), = f, g.mouseXPosition = b.pageX, g.storedSizes = d.$ {
return a(this).width();
}).get(), c.resizable.toggleTextSelection(d, !0);
var f, g, h = e.resizable_, i = a(d.namespace + "_extra_headers"), j = a("header");
for (f = parseInt(j.attr("data-column"), 10), h.$target = j = j.add(i.filter('[data-column="' + f + '"]')), = f, h.$next = b.shiftKey || e.resizable_targetLast ? j.parent().children().not(".resizable-false").filter(":last") : j.nextAll(":not(.resizable-false)").eq(0),
f = parseInt(h.$next.attr("data-column"), 10), h.$next = h.$next.add(i.filter('[data-column="' + f + '"]')), = f, h.mouseXPosition = b.pageX, h.storedSizes = [], f = 0; f < d.columns; f++) g = d.$headerIndexed[f],
h.storedSizes[f] =":visible") ? g.width() : 0;
c.resizable.toggleTextSelection(d, !0);
}), a(document).bind("mousemove" + f, function(a) {
var b = e.resizable_;
b.disabled && 0 !== b.mouseXPosition && b.$target && (e.resizable_throttle ? (clearTimeout(b.timer),
Expand All @@ -6089,28 +6100,30 @@
c.resizable.setHandlePosition(d, e));
}), a(b).bind("resize" + f + " resizeEnd" + f, function() {
c.resizable.setHandlePosition(d, e);
}), d.$table.find("thead:first").add(a(d.namespace + "_extra_table").find("thead:first")).bind("contextmenu" + f, function() {
}), d.$table.bind("columnUpdate" + f, function() {
c.resizable.setHandlePosition(d, e);
}).find("thead:first").add(a(d.namespace + "_extra_table").find("thead:first")).bind("contextmenu" + f, function() {
var a = 0 === e.resizable_.storedSizes.length;
return c.resizableReset(d.table), c.resizable.setHandlePosition(d, e), e.resizable_.storedSizes = [],
mouseMove: function(b, d, e) {
if (0 !== d.resizable_.mouseXPosition && d.resizable_.$target) {
var f = d.resizable_, g = f.$target, h = f.$next, i = e.pageX - f.mouseXPosition;
g.width(), f.fullWidth ? (f.storedSizes[] += i, f.storedSizes[] -= i,
c.resizable.setWidths(b, d)) : f.overflow ? (b.$table.add(a(b.namespace + "_extra_table")).width(function(a, b) {
return b + i;
}), h.length || (f.$wrap[0].scrollLeft = b.$table.width())) : (f.storedSizes[] += i,
var f = d.resizable_, g = f.$next, h = e.pageX - f.mouseXPosition;
f.fullWidth ? (f.storedSizes[] += h, f.storedSizes[] -= h, c.resizable.setWidths(b, d)) : f.overflow ? (b.$table.add(a(b.namespace + "_extra_table")).width(function(a, b) {
return b + h;
}), g.length || (f.$wrap[0].scrollLeft = b.$table.width())) : (f.storedSizes[] += h,
c.resizable.setWidths(b, d)), f.mouseXPosition = e.pageX;
stopResize: function(d, e) {
var f = e.resizable_;
f.storedSizes = [], && (f.storedSizes = d.$ {
return a(this).width();
}).get(), e.resizable !== !1 &&, c.css.resizableStorage, f.storedSizes)),
f.mouseXPosition = 0, f.$target = f.$next = null, a(b).trigger("resize");
var f, g, h = e.resizable_;
if (h.storedSizes = [], {
for (h.storedSizes = [], g = 0; g < d.columns; g++) f = d.$headerIndexed[g], h.storedSizes[g] =":visible") ? f.width() : 0;
e.resizable !== !1 &&, c.css.resizableStorage, h.storedSizes);
h.mouseXPosition = 0, h.$target = h.$next = null, a(b).trigger("resize");
}, c.addWidget({
id: "resizable",
Expand All @@ -6135,10 +6148,11 @@
}), c.resizableReset = function(d, e) {
a(d).each(function() {
var f, g = this.config, h = g && g.widgetOptions;
d && g && (g.$headers.each(function(b) {
f = a(this), h.resizable_widths && h.resizable_widths[b] ? f.css("width", h.resizable_widths[b]) : f.hasClass("resizable-false") || f.css("width", "");
}), a(b).trigger("resize"), && !e &&, c.css.resizableStorage, {}));
var f, g, h = this.config, i = h && h.widgetOptions;
if (d && h && h.$headerIndexed.length) {
for (f = 0; f < h.columns; f++) g = h.$headerIndexed[f], i.resizable_widths && i.resizable_widths[f] ? g.css("width", i.resizable_widths[f]) : g.hasClass("resizable-false") || g.css("width", "");
a(b).trigger("resize"), && !e &&, c.css.resizableStorage, {});
}(jQuery, window), function(a) {
Expand Down

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