VideoCast-Swift is a framework for broadcasting live video. It is based on VideoCore C++ library but rewritten in Swift. It currently works with iOS. It is a work in progress and will eventually expand to other platforms such as OS X.
Create a Podfile
with the contents
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'VideoCast', '~> 0.1.0'
Next, run pod install
and open the xcworkspace
file that is created.
Samples start at the source, are passed through a series of transforms, and end up at the output.
e.g. Source (Camera) -> Transform (Composite) -> Transform (H.264 Encode) -> Transform (RTMP Packetize) -> Output (RTMP)
- Streaming protocols
- RTMP publish
- SRT (caller mode)
- Encoders
- H.264
- Adaptive bitrate
- Multiplexers
- MP4 for recording
- Mixers
- Video
- Audio
- Sources
- Camera
- Microphone
- ReplayKit 2(Live Screen Broadcast)
git clone
cd VideoCast-Swift
git submodule update --init
cd SRT
- 0.1.2
- 0.1.0
- Live Screen Broadcast
- 32 bit architecher support
- Auto reconnect
- Fixed low bitrate problems
- Other bugfixes
- 0.0.2
- Metal videomixing and preview.
- SRT Adaptive bitrate
- New iOS Example
- Bugfixes
- 0.0.1
- Initial CocoaPods version