This is a Heroku buildpack for Vert.x apps.
It was forked from blalor but I've changed it quite a bit. This version uses and also uses the 'heroku way' of including JDK7 (taken from current buildpacks). I also disabled the detect feature that inflicts a particular naming strategy on your app. You now need a Procfile that runs vertx how you want to.
The resulting slug for a minimal app is reasonable at around 54mb.
Example usage:
$ heroku create --buildpack
or if you want to add it after you create an app
$ heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=
You must create a Procfile that calls vertx, such as:
web: .vertx/bin/vertx run
or to run a module based app:
web: .vertx/bin/vertx runmod app -repo