caMicroscope is a web-based biomedical image and data viewer, with a strong emphasis on cancer pathology WSI (Whole Slide Imaging). This guide has sections for different kinds of use of the platform. The User Guide covers the basics on how to use caMicroscope viewer. nanoBorb covers nanoBorb, the version of caMicroscope designed as a standalone application for individual users without a server. Hosted Setup covers how to set up caMicroscope for multiple users on a server. Developer Guide covers the broad strokes on how to add new functionality to caMicroscope.
Depending on what is providing the image metadata, a different login process may be necessary. For public instances, no log in is necessary, and you can proceed to view slides. Use of other tools, such as annotations may or may not require login in this case. For slim instances, login should be done through a redirect directly. For pathDB instances, login should be done on the login link on the main page. At this point, select a collection, if applicable, and proceed to open or "view" the image of your choice.
Once an image is open, you can pan around the image by either clicking and dragging (when no conflicting tool, such as the pen, is open), or by moving the red bounding box in the viewport in the bottom right. Zooming can be accomplished through the scroll wheel, pinch events on a touch screen, by using the zoom slider or its associated buttons, or by clicking on the zoom number and inputting a different number.
The toolbar is in the top-left of the main content window. Use the toolbar buttons to manipulate the slide. To close any toolbar button, click the same button again or a new button.
Tool | Shortcut |
Annotation | Ctrl + a |
Magnifier | Ctrl + m |
Measurement | Ctrl + r |
Side-by-Side | Ctrl + s |
Close all tools | ESC |
The full distribution repository for hosted caMicroscope is here.
run with docker-compose -f caMicroscope.yml up
this will build all services and run in the foreground.
Use docker-compose -f caMicroscope.yml build
to rebuild the services.
Once everything is up, go to <the host this is running on>:4010/ to see the landing page.
- Slack:
- Discussion mailing list:
- Sample Tensorflow Models:
We are collecting feedback to write this section in more detail. Please add your suggestions here.
caMicroscope is open source software. Any involvement and contribution with the caMicroscope project is greatly appreciated. Feel free to get directly involved in any of the repositories in the caMicroscope organization. New developers may find the notes in CONTRIBUTING helpful to start contributing to caMicroscope.
It is highly recommended to make any changes off of the develop branch of a repository, and, when ready, create a PR to the develop branch of the source repository. Before sending the PR, make sure that there are no linting errors by running npm install
and then npm run lint
to see the errors and npm run lint-fix
to automatically fix the errors in the repository folder.
Source code organization ie the file structure of caMicroscope can be found in file structure
When using the hosted setup, you can have the distribution host the changes from your local. Follow these steps :
- Clone this repository, the Caracal repository and the distribution in the same parent directory
- Set the build to build your local changes instead of the hosted git versions by editing the ca-back container section of your develop.yml. Replace the build context section with the path to your caracal checkout ("../Caracal"), and add
- ../caMicroscope:/src/camicroscope
to the volumes. - Remove this line from 'Dockerfile' in Caracal repository :
RUN git clone${fork:-camicroscope}/camicroscope.git --branch=${viewer:-master}
- In Distro repository, enter the following commands :
docker-compose -f develop.yml build
docker-compose -f develop.yml up