Install texlive through the official website: https://tug.org/texlive/. Use
basic scheme (plain and latex)
if possible. -
The following packages:
$ tlmgr install \ latexmk \ enumitem \ xifthen \ ifmtarg \ fontawesome5 \ roboto \ sourcesanspro \ tcolorbox \ environ \ tikzfill \ ltablex
Install LaTex Workshop
and add:
"latex-workshop.latex.build.forceRecipeUsage": false,
"latex-workshop.linting.chktex.enabled": true,
to user settings.json
Use latexindent.pl
instead of the regular latexindent
brew install perl
brew install cpanm
cpanm YAML::Tiny
cpanm File::HomeDir
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cpanminus
sudo cpanm YAML::Tiny
sudo cpanm File::HomeDir