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Setting Up (Without TTS Endpoint)

Alex edited this page Nov 20, 2024 · 1 revision

If you only care about just running LLMs and do not care about the optional TTS endpoints, this set up guide is for you

There are many ways to get started, here are the following:

Setting Up Locally

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. python (should now be running on localhost:1337)

  3. Perform a test call by running python in a separate terminal

Setting Up Via Docker

This uses the latest image version in the Docker Hub repository

  1. docker run -d --name keyless -p 1337:1337 callbacked/keyless:latest

Setting Up Via Docker (Building your image locally)

If you don't want to use the Docker Hub image and want to do it yourself, you can do it one of two ways, its up to personal preference:

Doing it with docker run:

  1. git clone && cd keyless-gpt-wrapper-api

  2. docker build -t keyless:latest .

  3. docker run -d --name keyless -p 1337:1337 keyless:latest

Doing it with docker-compose:

  1. git clone && cd keyless-gpt-wrapper-api

  2. docker-compose up -d