Coflow scheduling in Java.
Note that with the all-in-one jar, there is no need to specify the dependencies manually.
- Scala 2.10
- Akka 2.3.14 (with netty 3.8.0.Final and protobuf-java 2.5.0)
- Javassist 3.20
- Netty 4 (For running example)
This dependencies is compatible with Hadoop 2.7.1 and Spark 1.6.
Require Gradle to build.
$ git clone
$ cd coflow
$ gradle jar # for compile-time dependency
$ gradle shadowJar # for runtime linking and all its dependencies
Find the built library (*.jar)
in core/build/libs
Just add -javaagent:/path/to/coflow-{version}-all.jar
to your Java virtual machine start up options so you can use the library.
In the client, use coflow.CoflowChannel.register(localAddress, remoteAddress, coflowId)
to register you coflow. Then the TCP stream of this local and remote address will be scheduled by the coflow framework!
See example/main/java/coflow/example/
for detailed example.
Open four terminals.
In the first terminal, start the coflow master.
java -cp core/build/libs/coflow-0.0.1-all.jar coflow.CoflowMaster
In the second terminal, start the coflow slave.
java -cp core/build/libs/coflow-0.0.1-all.jar coflow.CoflowSlave
In the third one, open a dummy echo server without coflow support.
gradle runServer
In the final termial, open the client to echo server with coflow support.
gradle runClient