This folder contains tutorial applications developed for [py]COMPSs.
Its purpose is to share the tutorial applications among the COMPSs users community to ease the implementation of new applications and share them with the rest of users.
Application are grouped by language (C, Java and Python). Each of them includes a set of applications used in tutorials following the next structure:
|- python
| |- app_1
| | |- src Application source code
| | |- README Brief description of the application
|- java
| |- app_1
| | | ...
|- c
|- ...
Update Tutorial apps:
$ rm -rf tutorial_apps
$ git clone
$ sudo python3 -m pip install pycompss-cli
Initialize a PyCOMPSs docker environment.
$ pycompss init -n docker-tutorial docker -i compss/compss-tutorial:2.10
Start monitor.
$ pycompss monitor start
Start Jupyter Notebook.
$ pycompss jupyter
Once started, open a web browser with the address: http://localhost:8888 Follow the instructions of the Jupyter notebook, and at the end of the hands-on session, follow the instructions to clean the environment.
Stop the monitor.
$ pycompss monitor stop
Remove the PyCOMPSs docker environment.
$ pycompss environment remove docker-tutorial
Compile the application.
$ cd /home/compss/tutorial_apps/java/wordcount
$ mvn clean install
Initialize a COMPSs docker environment.
$ compss init -n docker-tutorial docker -i compss/compss-tutorial:2.10
Follow the exercises to develop the wordcount application.
Run the application.
$ compss run --classpath=jar/wordcount.jar wordcount.uniqueFile.Wordcount data-set/file_small.txt 650
To enable an execution with monitoring:
Start the monitor.
$ compss monitor start
Open a browser in URL http://localhost:8080/compss-monitor and enter an log-in with an empty user.
Run the application with monitoring flags.
$ compss run -m --classpath=jar/wordcount.jar wordcount.uniqueFile.Wordcount data-set/file_long.txt 350000
Simulate the execution with different workers.
- To check the used resources run use the following commands:
$ compss exec cat /project.xml
$ compss exec cat /resources.xml
- Include two worker nodes.
$ compss components add worker 2
- Run again the application with monitoring flags
$ compss run -m --classpath=jar/wordcount.jar wordcount.uniqueFile.Wordcount data-set/file_long.txt 350000
Run the application with graph generation and generate the graph
$ compss run -g --classpath=jar/wordcount.jar wordcount.uniqueFile.Wordcount data-set/file_small.txt 650
$ compss gengraph .COMPSs/wordcount.uniqueFile.Wordcount_04/monitor/
$ evince .COMPSs/wordcount.uniqueFile.Wordcount_04/monitor/complete_graph.pdf
Run the application with debug information
$ compss run -d --classpath=jar/wordcount.jar wordcount.uniqueFile.Wordcount data-set/file_small.txt 650
Stop the monitor
$ compss monitor stop
Remove the docker environment
$ compss environment remove docker-tutorial
Enter in the application folder and start the COMPSs docker environment
$ cd ~/tutorial_appss/c/matmul_object
$ compss init -n docker-tutorial docker -i compss/compss-tutorial:2.10
Build the application
$ compss exec compss_build_app Matmul
Run the application
$ compss run --appdir=/home/user/ master/Matmul 4 4 2.0
Remove the docker environment
$ compss environment remove docker-tutorial