This programms is dooing the I/O for deep-learning on large images usage: For I/O simulating only:
mpirun -n 20 python ./ OUT_DIR
With deep-Learning (using 4 GPUs on proc 19) mpirun -n 20 python ./log --num-gpus 4 --num-threads 12
In the current confiuration, it will only run with 20 procs The Procs are dooing the following
0-12: Read data for Training, send to 17 13-16: Read data for Testing, send to 18
17: recv data from 0-12, send to 19 18: recv data from 14-16, send to 19
19: do learing and testing (currently just idle)
can be configured in in mpi_params
What else to configure (all in
'iterations': number of iterations 'test_interval':200: how often ist tested. 'test_iter': number of iterations in test
'batch_size': how many crops are read before send 'input_size': size of one crop (or box)
Data is read in the get_crop routines in "batch_iter", the actuall I/O happens in
def crop_from_array(self, arr) in the line crop = arr[y0:y1,x0:x1]