#README - local-web-server
##Overview This repository is a collection of files useful for devloping a custom local web server on a Brightsign player. Some of these functions might also be useful in HTML zones in actual presentations.
Summary of files:
- default.html - the current default single page user varialbe web page
- example.html - the default page broken out into seperate html, js and css files
- example-w-udp.html - an example that has buttons on the page to trigger sending UDP events supported by the player's presentation
- vartest.html - and example that sets text on the page based on the value of user variables
- js - a folder with javascript files
- css - a folder with CSS files
- images - a folder with images
The functionality exposed in the example html files has been at least partially tested. Some extra javascript funtionality not shown in those examples is very much a work in progress.
We use jQuery and currently for some functionality we use the jquery.xml2json.js plugin. Other js files are:
- bsp.js - base code needed by all pages
- sfn.js - code useful to interact with presentations published with Simple File Networking. Work in progress.
- mrss.js - code useful to read DYnamic Playlists and Live Text from BrightSignNetwork (and potentially other MRSS feeds). Very much a work in progress.