Yet another infinite scroll plugin… Initially inspired by
- Deal in JSON, don’t ask ajax requests to return HTML
- Be templating/rendering agnostic – plug in your own function to handle returned data
- Allow for flexible callbacks, with or without custom params
- Follow jQuery plugins as close as possible (and as best I understand them!)
- Currently the plugin assumes you are scrolling the document, it doesn’t handle other DOM element scrolling (scrolling
- DIVs, etc), though it should be trivial to add.
- I’m sure there is more that can be done to clean up and conventionalize. It’s my first plugin, pulled from my own project.
url: "",
triggerAt: 50, // pixels from bottom of rendered list
resultsPerPage: 50,
appendTo: $('tbody.someTableBody'), // could technically append to different DOM object, not sure this is
params: { userId: 5, otherInfo: 'test' },
renderData: function(data, element){ /* do stuff to render JSON to your element */ },
error: function () { /* handle ajax error */ },
loadOnInit: false // opt out of auto-loading so we can control when it first loads, by calling $element.infinityscroll('reset')