🔭 I’m currently a PhD student at Tsinghua University, fortunate to work closely with Dr. Chenjia Bai. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Automation at Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Li Li.
✨ I aim to develop a general world model that can empower agents with intelligent, generalizable and interpretable decision-makinig capability. To this end, I mainly focus on:
- Reinforcement Learning and its applications in the real world
- Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Generative Modeling in RL, especially
andDiffusion Model
- Foundation models for reasoning and decision-making (i.e. Embodied AI)
- Building Efficient World Models
😄 I'm open to any kind of collaborations.
😊 Feel free to contact me with email ([email protected]) or wechat (YangZhang9470).