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A tool for blending images according to a term (google image search)

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a tool for blending images according to a term (google image search)


via interface

you can use the interface and see how the script works step for step. the interface can be accessed with this file:


manually - normal

  1. initialise the class. all options (see below) are passed via the $options array in the initialisation of the class:

    $options['term'] = 'babycat'; $options['quantity'] = 40; $options['cacheDir'] = dirname(FILE) . '/cache'; $whirl = new Whirl($options);

  2. after the initialisation you can simply go through the whole process and get the final blended image in this way:

    $finalImage = $whirl->whirl();

manually - step by step

as alternative you can go through the whole process step by step:

  1. initialise with options:

    $options['term'] = 'babycat'; $options['quantity'] = 40; $options['cacheDir'] = dirname(FILE) . '/cache'; $whirl = new Whirl($options);

  2. clear cache


  3. get results


  4. save results


  5. resize results


  6. multiply results


  7. get the final image

    $finalImage = $whirl->finalImage();


$options['term'] = 'babycat'; // the search term
$options['quantity'] = 40; // how much images will be blended
$options['cacheDir'] = '../cache'; // the dir which is used for cache files
$options['finalImageWidth'] = 400; // width of the final image
$options['finalImageHeight'] = 400; // height of the final image
$options['finalImageSizing'] = 'default'; // default/crop; if cropped the images will be cropped to exact size
$options['finalImageAlignH'] = 'center'; // horicontal align if cropped (left/center/right)
$options['finalImageAlignV'] = 'center'; // vertical align if cropped (top/center/bottom)
$options['backgroundColor'] = '255,255,255'; // color of the base image behind all blended images (rgb values/transparent)
$options['blendMode'] = false; // blend modes which graphic programs like photoshop use (for options see blend modes below)
$options['blendOpacity'] = 'default'; // opacity of the single images when blended (range from 0 to 100; default is 100 divided by quantity)
$options['alphaBlendMode'] = 'normal'; // normal, replace, overlay; alpha blending mode (imagelayereffect)
$options['effectList'] = 'grayscale,negate'; // effects in a comma-seperated list, values see below
$options['effectBrightnessLevel'] = 100; // level for the brigthness effect (-255 to 255)
$options['effectContrastLevel'] = 50; // level for the contrast effect (-100 to 100)
$options['effectColorizeRgba'] = '255,0,0,.75'; // color for the colorize effect (red, green, blue, alpha), colors 0 to 255 and alpha 0 to 1
$options['effectSmoothLevel'] = '100'; // level for the smooth effect
$options['effectPixelSize'] = '10'; // pixel size for the pixelate effect
$options['effectAdvancedPixelation'] = true; // advanced mode for the pixelate effect
$options['effectGammaCorrect'] = '1,1'; // input and output gamma for the gammacorrect effect


  • negate: reverses all colors of the image
  • grayscale: converts the images into grayscale
  • brightness: changes the brightness of the image (range is from -255 to 255)
  • contrast: change the contrast of the images (range is from -100 to 100)
  • colorize: colors the image (values are red, green, blue, alpha)
  • edges: highlight the edges in the images
  • emboss: embosses the image
  • gaussBlur: blurs the image using the gaussian method
  • selectiveBlur: blurs the image
  • meanRemoval: creates a sketchy effect
  • smooth: makes the images smoother
  • pixelate: pixelates the images with the set pixelsize

blend modes

  • dissolve
  • darkerColor
  • darken
  • multiply
  • colorBurn
  • linearBurn
  • lighterColor
  • lighten
  • screen
  • colorDodge
  • linearDodge
  • overlay
  • softLight
  • hardLight
  • vividLight
  • linearLight
  • pinLight
  • hardMix
  • difference
  • exclusion
  • subtract
  • divide
  • hue
  • saturation
  • color
  • luminosity


version 0.1 (20.08.2015):

  • initial commit

version 0.2 (21.08.2015):

  • class: a custom cache dir can now be set in the options
  • class: if the cache subdirs don't exists, they are created in the constructor
  • class: a custom term can now be set in the options
  • class: a custom quantity can now be set in the options
  • class: the constructor is now full implemented
  • class: bugfix: the term can now contain spaces/etc
  • interface: the json file is now created if it doesn't exist
  • interface: the final blend result is now saved in the cache dir with the search term as filename
  • interface: completed the credits section in the interface
  • interface: remove the debug output
  • documentation updated

version 0.3 (22.08.2015):

  • class: option to gamma correct each image before blending was added
  • class: effects added
  • class: possibility to add multiple filters
  • class: gamma correct moved to effects
  • class: optional alpha blending mode was added
  • interface: scroll to steps after clicking buttons
  • interface: styling adaptions
  • interface: reset button added
  • interface: fadeout button after the execution
  • interface: now a mode can be chosen
  • interface: expert mode was added
  • documentation updated

version 0.4 (25.08.2015):

  • class: background-color (base behind all blended images) can now be set in options
  • class: blend opacity can noww be set in options
  • class: custom size of the final image works now
  • class: real multiply was added (multiplies the images like photoshop)
  • class: real multiply is now available in blendMode along with many other blend modes
  • class: blendMode was renamed to alphaBlendMode because blendMode will be used for the real blend modes
  • class: renamed realBlendMode to blendMode because there is only real blend mode, the others are effects or alpha blend modes
  • class: quantity works now exactly (bugfix)
  • class: got the blend mode dissolve working in pretty much the same way photoshop does
  • class: soft light blend mode also works (damns, this was a hard one)
  • class: finished all blend modes
  • class: all blend modes were tested. most of them are pretty identical with the results of photoshop, some show various difference (at the moment it seems that nothing better is possible)
  • documentation updated


  • interface: add alternative for users with short execution time on their servers
  • interface: thumbnail view of what images you will get
  • interface: style adaptions
  • interface: fast mode - only necessary settings and directly show the final image
  • class: possibility to use alternative search engines
  • class: effects alternative for php versions without imagefilter
  • class: add image crop mode
  • class: add presets (group containing various effects)
  • class: check if images are valid


A tool for blending images according to a term (google image search)






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