=============================== Simple x86-based OS.
- [0.2.0] 从零开始,保留核心文件,慢慢添加功能,实现Hello world
- [0.2.1] 添加GDT和IDT
- [0.2.2] 添加ISR和IRQ
- [0.2.3] 添加PMM
- [0.2.4] 添加VMM
- [0.2.5] 添加多进程机制,完善注释
- [0.2.6] 实现进程间通信IPC
平台:Ubuntu 16.04.2 x86
- make
- nasm
- gcc
- binutils
- cgdb
- qemu
sudo apt install make nasm gcc binutils cgdb qemu
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/qemu-system-i386 /usr/bin/qemu
make init # only for first time
make fs # build root file system and user routines, root privilege required
make # build kernel
make run # run with qemu