How to run Datadog agent to send metrics to datadog while running as a Docker container instead of on the host and how to hook all other services to the Datadog agent
A simple docker-compose configuration that allows the following services to run as docker containers
- prometheus
- grafana
- cadvisor
- consul
- node-exporter
- alert-manager sending alerts to datadog instead of slack
All the configuration items are there. Alert Manager rules can be extended and when new serivces are registered with Consul, Prometheus auto discovers the services.
- Search for <DD_API_KEY> and replace that with your Datadog API key
- Run the following from the root folder
docker-compose up -d
- Run the following from the root folder to look at the status of the datadog agent
docker exec -it datadog agent status
- Run the following from the root folder
docker-compose down --remove-orphans
- Prometheus available at http://localhost:9090
- Consul available at http://localhost:8500
- Alert Manager available at http://localhost:9093
- Node Exporter available at http://localhost:9100
- cadvisor available at http://localhost:8080
- Grafana available at http://localhost:3000
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