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aurelia-router v0.14.0

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@EisenbergEffect EisenbergEffect released this 10 Nov 13:52
· 473 commits to master since this release

Bug Fixes

  • all: update to use viewModel terminology internally (f01282b6)
  • navigation-instruction: remove references to previous instructions after navigation is committed (7fa6e0b9, closes #207)
  • router:
    • make router.refreshNavigation() public (331bd514)
    • Fix bug where previous nav models were not deactivated in child routers (ef0aa0e6)
    • fix typo in doc comment (c13abf5d)
    • fix up type annotations and private properties (a96ed779)
    • make configure slightly more resilient (fff97eb2)
  • updateTitle: use private method name (9ea95ac7)


  • all: fill in doc comments and rename private APIs (57257adf)
  • router:
    • remove router.reset() (fa4e412b)
    • improve support for unknown route handlers (4aa9bc9e, closes #234)
    • don't automatically use conventional routing when no unknown handler is specifie (5a80996a)

Breaking Changes

  • * Pipeline steps now receive the NavigationInstruction instead of the NavigationContext. Pipeline steps should use instruction.getAllInstructions() and instruction.getAllPreviousInstructions() instead of context.nextInstructions and context.currentInstructions, respectively, to inspect current and previous instructions.

*Semantics have changed in names such as "prevInstruction" such that "current" refers to the current navigation, and "previous" refers to the previous navigation. Currently, "next" referred to the current navigation, and "current" and "previous" both referred to the previous navigation.


  • Unknown route handlers must now return the moduleId or route config instead of mutating instruction.config.

Fixes #234


  • calling router.handleUnknownRoutes() with no arguments will no longer cause the router to apply conventional routing. This logic must now be provided by the application.
