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Joel Cox edited this page May 30, 2015 · 4 revisions

#aurelia-command API

Here is the suggested syntax. This syntax has been applid to the refactor(commands) PR.

The second example contains a description on aurelia-command's API


import {command, option, alias, arg, description, instance} from 'aurelia-command';
import {parseList} from '../lib/util';
import Bundler from '../lib/bundler';

@option('-a, --add', 'Your Decription')
@option('-l, --list', 'Your Decription', parseList)
@description('Information about the command')
export default class BundleCommand{

  constructor(config, logger, bundler) {
    this.globalConfig = config;
    this.logger       = logger;
    this.bundler      = bundler;


  beforeAction(argv, options){}

  action(argv, options, beforeResult){}

  afterAction(argv, options, actionResult){}




import {command, option, alias, arg, description, instance} from 'aurelia-command';
import {parseList} from '../lib/util';
import Bundler from '../lib/bundler';

// In Commanderjs to specify args you would prefix the name in command(/*'name <arg>'*/)
// Here is how we will add arguments
@arg('[type]', '<name>')
@option('-a, --add', 'Your Decription')
@option('-l, --list', 'Your Decription', parseList)
@description('Information about the command')
// Instance will Create an instance from the paramater, and pass this instance to the constructor
// When the instance is created it will pass the commandConfig, config, and logger.
export default class BundleCommand{

  constructor(config, logger, bundler) {
    this.globalConfig = config;
    this.logger       = logger;
    this.bundler      = bundler;

  // canExecute will be invoked first...
  // @return {Promise || boolean}  If the promise result or return value is false. The Command will not be executed.

  // beforeAction Will be called after canExecute passes.
  // @argv    {Object} Custom version or argv that is created for the specific command
  // @options {Object} All the options for @option
  beforeAction(argv, options){}

  // action Will be called after beforeAction is resolved
  // @argv         {Object} Custom version or argv that is created for the specific command
  // @options      {Object} All the options for @option
  // @beforeResult {Object} The resolved result from @beforeAction
  action(argv, options, beforeResult){}

  // afterAction Will be called after action is resolved
  // @argv     {Object} Custom version or argv that is created for the specific command
  // @options  {Object} All the options for @option
  // @result   {Object} The resolved result from @action
  afterAction(argv, options, actionResult){}

  // onError Will becalled if any catch is found in the promise chain  
  // @argv     {Object} Custom version or argv that is created for the specific command
  // @options  {Object} All the options for @option
  // @issue    {Object} The catched issue from the promise chain
  onError(argv, options, issue){}

  // help will be called only if the user executes aurelia <commandId> --help
  // @log      {Function} console.log.bind(console)
  // @argv     {Object}   Custom version or argv that is created for the specific command
  // @options  {Object}   All the options for @option
  help(log, argv, options){}
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