Releases: astog/BTS
Releases · astog/BTS
Minor feature update
Added Brazilian Portuguese translation, minor bug fix
- Added Brazilian Portuguese, thanks @rzucareli
- Minor fix to trade route arrows remain on the map. Thanks @JamieNyanchi, @Infixo
Update for Portugal
- Correctly reports yields for Portugal
- General performance improvements
Hotfix for missing routes
Possible fix for missing routes. Thanks to infixo
Hotfix for players without all expansions
4.3.1 Fix for players without the expansion
Major Update - New Settings Panel
- First major update in a while. Added a settings panel to change a few options within the panel. The settings are described below
- Approximate path for trader - Basically use the absolute distance as a drop in replacement for trader path. Due to the way CIV 6 calculates turns this small change can make the turns calculated very inaccurate in some cases, but this option can speed up opening of panels in extreme cases (like huge map doing domination with Rome).
- Sort priorities - Show the sort priorities of yields. So for example if you sort by food and then production, food will show '1' next to it, and production will show a '2' next to it.
- Show all routes - When starting a route, the trade panel typically shows all trade route paths. To aid late game performance, you can disable this so only the selected city's path will be shown, rather than all possible.
- Show trader path on selection - New feature in this update. When a trader is selected, its path including the origin and destination city will be shown.
That is all for this update. Wanted to add a settings panel for a while to make it easier to change some of these settings in game. Next update will be for More Lenses, to add a similar settings panel. Maybe some new lenses that people have been suggesting me. Thank you all for the support! :)
Edit: I also fixed the negative turn timer bug. Routes should accurately track with eras. Trade routes already running in your saves may show the negative turn bug, but newly started ones should accurately track. Let me know if you still spot negative turns on new saves or newly started routes.
September 2019 Update
Fixes for September 2019 update.
Gathering Storm Update
Gathering Storm Update
Better Trade Screen Changelog v4.2
- Fixes compatability with Gathering Storm
- Adds compatability with mods that add new city state types
- Added optional setting where the trade path length is estimated using Eucledian distance. This can give a speedup of 25-50% late game, but sacrifices the accuracy of turns to complete a trade route.
Rise and Fall Update
Minor compatibility update
- Minor update to port changes made in RnF.
- Makes mod not affect saved games.
- Fixes issue with localized text not showing up properly
Hotfix from previous update
- Fixes issue with the screen being offset incorrectly.