An angular.js wrapper around the Google Places API
This module is available as bower package, install it with this command:
bower install angularjs-google-places
bower install git://
See this plunker
- Include the Google Maps JS library in your app
- Add ngGPlaces as a dependency
- Inject ngGPlacesAPI as a dependency to your controller or other service
- Invoke the nearbySearch method and pass in a latitude/longitude
- Invoke the placeDetails method and pass in a Google Places reference id
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',['ngGPlaces']);
// optional if you want to modify defaults
$scope.details = ngGPlacesAPI.placeDetails({reference:"really_long_reference_id"}).then(
function (data) {
return data;
$ = ngGPlacesAPI.nearbySearch({latitude:-33.8665433, longitude:151.1956316}).then(
return data;
You can override any default option below via setDefaults on the ngGPlacesAPIProvider Or by passing that property to the nearbySearch or placeDetails method
var defaults = {
radius: 1000,
sensor: false,
latitude: null,
longitude: null,
types: ['food'],
map: null,
elem: null,
nearbySearchKeys: ['name', 'reference', 'vicinity'],
placeDetailsKeys: ['formatted_address', 'formatted_phone_number',
'reference', 'website'
nearbySearchErr: 'Unable to find nearby places',
placeDetailsErr: 'Unable to find place details',
grunt test