Generate a swagger specification for your sibiro routes. It generates a specification according to OpenAPI specification 2.0.
Add [functionalbytes/sibiro-swagger "0.1.4"]
to your dependencies.
The library offers basically one function: swaggerize
It takes your (uncompiled) routes datastructure, and returns a Clojure datastructure holding the specification.
It also takes additional keyword arguments.
Currently the following are supported:
- A map that is deep merged in with the generated swagger root object. You can for instance set a title for your API by calling:(swaggerize [...] :base {:info {:title "My asewome API"}})
- A function that gets each route handler as its argument. Its result is merged with the operation object. The default is#(when (map? %) (:swagger %))
, so you could define routes like:[[:get "/user/:id" {:handler get-user :swagger {:description "Get user by ID"}}]]
If you find that this clutters your route definitions, have a look at the more intricate example.
- A keyword indicating where the default parameters should be placed. If set to:path
, the parameters are defined on the path level. If set to:operation
, the parameters are defined on the operation level. If set to:both
, the parameters are defined on the path level, and at the operation level those are referenced. Default is:path
.This option is mainly for circumventing that some Swagger UI versions need parameters on the operation level, and other versions don't get the overriding of parameters right.
There are also two functions called swaggerize-json
and swaggerize-yaml
, which is the same as swaggerize
, but returns a JSON or YAML string.
Let's have two simple routes, one with some extra route info:
(def routes [[:get "/user/:id" {:swagger {:description "Get user by ID"
:parameters [{:name :id :type :integer
:in :path :required true}]
:responses {200 {:description "User found"}}}}]
[:post "/user/:id" nil])
(swaggerize-yaml routes :base {:info {:version "0.3"}})
Above results in the following YAML. Note that some defaults are still visibile, such as the title and the responses of the POST operation.
swagger: '2.0'
title: I'm too lazy to name my API
version: '0.3'
description: User found
- name: id
type: integer
in: path
required: true
description: Get user by ID
description: Default response.
- name: id
in: path
type: string
required: true
As always, have fun!
Patches and ideas welcome.
Copyright © 2016 Functional Bytes
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.