- Devakrishna C Nair
- Abhishek Pradhan
- Daksh Mishra
Baecta collects various data from your browser (Only chrome v80+ supported as of now) to analyze your cyber behaviour and provide reccomendations to improve your cyber hygiene. All data collected is stored locally on the system and not uploaded anywhere.
The report generated will include:
- Password strenth of each of your passwords
- Time taken to crack each of your passwords
- Custom reccomendations on how to improve the strength of each of the passwords
- List of any of your credentials that have been leaked in public data breaches (using haveibeenpawned.com api)
- List of any malicious sites that you have visited
For more detailed descriptions and methedologies adopted, check out the full srs in doc folder
Operating system: Windows xp/7/8/10/11 (Linux support coming soon)
Chrome version: 80+