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Pre-Release Testing - CloudMonkey v6.4.0 (Pre-RC)

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@rohityadavcloud rohityadavcloud released this 03 Aug 08:46
· 15 commits to main since this release

This is a pre-release RC, with latest build from main.

Installation instruction for Linux/Mac OSX:

1. wget <file url>
2. chmod +x <cmk binary file>
3. mv <cmk binary file> /bin/cmk

Old docs:

Version and build details:

Apache CloudStack 🐡 CloudMonkey 6.4.0-rc (build: 2d641ae, 2023-08-03T14:12:21+0530)


usage: cmk [flags] [commands|apis] [-h]

CloudMonkey (cmk) 🐡 is a command line interface for Apache CloudStack.

Allowed flags:
  -h        Show this help message or API doc when specified after an API
  -v        Print version
  -o        API response output format: json, text, table, column, csv
  -p        Server profile
  -d        Enable debug mode
  -c        Different config file path
  -u	    CloudStack's API endpoint URL
  -s	    CloudStack user's secret Key
  -k	    CloudStack user's API Key

Default commands:
  exit      Exits
  help      Help
  set       Configures options for cmk
  sync      Discovers and updates APIs
  version   Version info

MD5 checksums:

MD5 (cmk.darwin.arm64) = eafbd072aa25aefa139ba130f167c0be
MD5 (cmk.darwin.x86-64) = d9e4de7b3cac99b114d476a0502703fe
MD5 (cmk.linux.arm32) = 4a2d4e9d15435fe28d47d2d34565eaf7
MD5 (cmk.linux.arm64) = f50ff4094ebece46c3b89271d1a75195
MD5 (cmk.linux.x86) = 5d748ffe548cd92dad0428926043ed87
MD5 (cmk.linux.x86-64) = 80b3f88ba358d292a7d9767be0e70d3b
MD5 ( = a430109fa85c8cc8b02c5cf9071cc6a4
MD5 ( = 53017a4af2711c2f644142e32eafa3d1