The project, Learning Made Easy has been designed for the convenience of students who are planning for the preparation of any kind of examination. It will help them to understand how to study different subjects, and the topics within them and how much time should they give to everything and keeps a track of their learning rate of each student and hence personalise their experiences as well, so that it can optimize the time assigned for learning each subject in future. It will help you build a deeper knowledge about Data Structure and Algorithms and understand their applications in our life in a more efficient manner. It aims at scheduling the studies for maximizing marks during exams. Most students face this problem during exams that what to study to get the best out of their limited time. Also it helps the early beginners to start with the most important subjects so that they have enough time for the most important subjects and then if time permits they can go ahead with less important subjects. Apart from this, it schedules the subjects as the way user wants to.
You can refer to the following articles on the basics of Git and Github and also contact the Project Mentors, in case you are stuck:
- Watch this video to get started, if you have no clue about open source
- Forking a Repo
- Cloning a Repo
- How to create a Pull Request
- Getting started with Git and GitHub
- Join the workspace to join the community of contributors
You can get your own fork/copy of Learning-Made-Easy by using the Fork button.
You need to clone (download) it to local machine using
$ git clone
This makes a local copy of repository in your machine.
Once you have cloned the Learning-Made-Easy
repository in Github, move to that folder first using change directory command on linux and Mac.
# This will change directory to a folder Learning-Made-Easy
$ cd Learning-Made-Easy
Move to this folder for all other commands.
Run the following commands to see that your local copy has a reference to your forked remote repository in Github
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
Now, lets add a reference to the original Learning-Made-Easy repository using
$ git remote add upstream
This adds a new remote named upstream.
See the changes using
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
Always keep your local copy of repository updated with the original repository. Before making any changes and/or in an appropriate interval, run the following commands carefully to update your local repository.
# Fetch all remote repositories and delete any deleted remote branches
$ git fetch --all --prune
# Switch to `master` branch
$ git checkout master
# Reset local `master` branch to match `upstream` repository's `master` branch
$ git reset --hard upstream/master
# Push changes to your forked `Learning-Made-Easy` repo
$ git push origin master
Once you have completed these steps, you are ready to start contributing by checking our Help Wanted
Issues and creating pull requests.
To run the code and play with the app on your local machine, do:
if os == 'Windows'
:- We have tested the code in Dev C++ IDE and Code Blocks IDE (Both running MINGW).
- To run the code in any IDE, simply open the file, click
Execute > Run
Click here for more instructions
if os == 'Linux or Unix or Mac'
:- You need to have
installed: - Go to the folder having the code(.cpp file).
- Open the terminal, and type :
g++ -o test_prep test-prep.cpp
- Then run the script by typing :
- You need to have
Whenever you are going to make contribution. Please create seperate branch using command and keep your master
branch clean (i.e. synced with remote branch).
# It will create a new branch with name Branch_Name and switch to branch Folder_Name
$ git checkout -b Folder_Name
Create a seperate branch for contibution and try to use same name of branch as of folder.
To switch to desired branch
# To switch from one folder to other
$ git checkout Folder_Name
To add the changes to the branch. Use
# To add all files to branch Folder_Name
$ git add .
Type in a message relevant for the code reveiwer using
# This message get associated with all files you have changed
$ git commit -m 'relevant message'
Now, Push your awesome work to your remote repository using
# To push your work to your remote repository
$ git push -u origin Folder_Name
Then, go to your repository in browser and click on compare and pull requests
Then add a title and description to your pull request that explains your precious effort.
Finally, after your pull request has been merged, add another comment below the PR as follows
@all-contributors please add @<your_username> for <contributions>
In contributions, you need to type code
if you have contributed to the code, or documentation
if you
contrubuted for the markdown files.
Click here for more instructions
We love to have articles
and codes
in different languages and betterment
of existing ones.
Please discuss it with us first by creating new issue.
🎉 🎊 😃 Happy Contributing 😃 🎊 🎉
To schedule the exams for a very short period of time i.e. 1-2 days for the students who begin to study just before the day of the exam and complete syllabus in a very short time.
To schedule the exam time study for students subject wise who start their studies one or two week before the exams so they complete their syllabus of each subject in time.
To schedule the exam time study for students who begin to study quite early I.e. almost a month ago and have enough time to do everything in the syllabus. Also they have no time issue.
Fractional Knapsack Algorithm: Fractional Knapsack algorithm is used in order to find the chapters to be done on the basis of their weightage so as to maximize marks in limited amount of time.
Job Scheduling Algorithm: This algorithm is implemented so that the user inputs the subjects he/she has to study with the date of exams of the respective subjects and respective priorities. So they get the sequence of subjects as ouput for effective ways of study and managing time.
A most common problem faced by students during exams is of time management and its utilization.It can help students to effectively manage their time during exams by giving them a sequence in which the should study in order to maximize marks.
- Take a look at the Existing Issues or create your own Issues!
- Wait for the Issue to be assigned to you after which you can start working on it.
- Fork the Repo and create a Branch for any Issue that you are working upon.
- Create a Pull Request which will be promptly reviewed and suggestions would be added to improve it.
- Contact [email protected] for more information regarding contributions.