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Smooth out traffic peaks

Roman edited this page Mar 18, 2020 · 1 revision

Smooth out traffic peaks

Every rate limiter from this package has execEvenly option. If execEvenly set to true, it evenly delays action but consumes points immediately. It makes kind of FIFO queue using setTimeout function. And this works for distributed environment too.

const { RateLimiterRedis } = require('rate-limiter-flexible');
const Redis = require('ioredis');

const redisClient = new Redis({
  options: {
    enableOfflineQueue: false

const opts = {
  storeClient: redisClient,
  points: 10, // 10 tokens
  duration: 1, // per second, so default `execEvenlyMinDelayMs` is 100ms
  execEvenly: true, // delay actions evenly

const rateLimiterRedis = new RateLimiterRedis(opts);

10 actions consume all points the first millisecond

  • 1st executed immediately. 9 remaining points.
  • 2nd delayed for 100ms (1000 / (8 + 2)). 8 remaining points.
  • 3rd delayed for 111ms (1000 / (7 + 2)). 7 remaining points.
  • 4th delayed for 125ms (1000 / (6 + 2)). 6 remaining points.
  • ...
  • 9th delayed for 333ms (1000 / (1 + 2)). 1 remaining point.
  • 10th delayed for 500ms (1000 / (0 + 2)). 0 remaining points.

Chart start

9 actions consume points the last millisecond in current duration

This demonstrates how execEvenlyMinDelayMs affects shaping traffic and some actions may go to the next duration. In this example execEvenlyMinDelayMs is 100ms as duration is 1000ms with 10 points.

  • 1st executed immediately. 9 remaining points. 1 second duration starts here.

All other consume at the last ms and are executed the next duration

  • 2nd delayed for 200ms (1 / (8 + 2) is less then 100, so execEvenlyMinDelayMs is used to calculate delay 2 * 100). 2 consumed points and 8 remaining points.
  • 3rd delayed for 300ms (3 * 100). 3 consumed points and 7 remaining points.
  • 4th delayed for 400ms (4 * 100). 4 consumed points and 6 remaining points.
  • ...
  • 9th delayed for 900ms (9 * 100). 9 consumed points and 1 remaining point.
  • 10th delayed for 1000ms (10 * 100). 10 consumed points and 0 remaining points. So the last action in current duration is executed in the end of the next duration.

Chart end

Action is delayed by formula: Milliseconds before points reset / ( Remaining Points in current duration + 2 ) with execEvenlyMinDelayMs = duration in milliseconds / points between actions. If delay is less than execEvenlyMinDelayMs, delay is consumed points in current duration * execEvenlyMinDelayMs. This formula results to dynamic leak rate as it aims to divide spare time evenly before points reset.

Executing actions evenly relies on fixed window rate limiting, therefore, if the first action in duration is done and then all other actions done in the last ms, there is no spare time to divide between them, this is where execEvenlyMinDelayMs takes an action. See example below.

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