This image aims to provide the essential tools for building software in a Slackware environment. It can be used as a service container in a GitHub action.
The image can be pulled from Docker Hub.
docker pull andy5995/slackware-build-essential:15.0
If you're not familiar with any of these, see the pages linked. You may also post a question in the Discussions.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: andy5995/slackware-build-essential:15.0
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Change default mirror
run: echo "" > /etc/slackpkg/mirrors
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
echo n | slackpkg update
echo y | slackpkg install libassuan
# Note that in some cases, sbopkg may return 0 on error
sbopkg -r
sbopkg -B -i Pykka -e stop
slapt-get -u
slapt-get --install libX11
- name: Build and test with meson
run: |
meson setup _build
cd _build
meson compile
meson test
If you would like to randomly rotate the mirror used each time:
- name: Change default mirror
run: |
mirror=( \ \ \ \ \
echo ${mirror[$(shuf -i 0-3 -n 1)]} > /etc/slackpkg/mirrors
This is a template repository, which means you can create a repository from this repo, then customize the Dockerfile to include all the dependencies your projects needs. You can push your new image directly to Docker Hub after creating a few access tokens.
When you're ready to use the image in your new workflow, simply change the 'container' line (shown in the example workflow above).
docker build -t <name:tag> .
The license included in this repository only applies to the files within this repository; it does not apply to the files retrieved when the image is created, nor to the files contained within the docker image itself.