SDK for iOS, Android and other platforms
MapLibre GL Native is a community led fork derived from mapbox-gl-native prior to their switch to a non-OSS license. The fork also includes Maps SDK for iOS and MacOS (forked from mapbox-gl-native-ios) and Android SDK (forked from mapbox-gl-native-android). These platform-specific SDKs were merged under platform directory and they reference mapbox-gl-native directly, not as a submodule.
Beside merging in platform specific SDKs, the following changes were made compared to original mapbox projects:
- The code was upgraded so that it can be built using latest clang compiler / Xcode 12.
- CI/CD was migrated from CircleCI to GitHub Actions.
- Along with GitHub releases, binaries are distributed as follows:
- The iOS binaries distribution was upgraded from fat packages to Swift package containing XCFramework.
- The Android binaries are distributed to GitHub maven package repository.
The mapbox-gl-native was forked from d60fd30 - mgbl 1.6.0, mapbox-gl-native-ios from a139216 and mapbox-gl-native-android from 4c12fb2
SDK | Build | Build status |
Maps SDK for iOS | CI | |
Maps SDK for iOS | Release | |
Maps SDK for Android | CI | |
Maps SDK for Android | Release |
We thank everyone who supported us financially in the past and special thanks to the people and organizations who support us with recurring dontations:
@jawg, @nekoyasan, @atierian, @photoprism, @kaplanlior, @francois2metz, @Schneider-Geo, @serghov, @ambientlight, @joschi77, @geoffhill, @jasongodev
Add bintray maven repositories to your build.gradle at project level so that you can access MapLibre packages for Android:
allprojects { repositories { ... mavenCentral() } }
Note: Bintray was turn off May 1st, 2021 so we migrated all packages to maven central.
Add the library as a dependency into your module build.gradle
dependencies { ... implementation '' ... }
Sync gradle and rebuild your app
To add a package dependency to your Xcode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter its repository URL. You can also navigate to your target’s General pane, and in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section, click the + button, select Add Other, and choose Add Package Dependency.
Either add MapLibre GitHub distribution URL ( or search for
package. -
Choose "next". Xcode should clone the distribution repository and download the binaries.
You can also download pre-build from releases in this repository.
git clone --recurse-submodules
MapLibre uses tags for its Android & iOS releases based on SemVer versioning. This is useful for checking out a particular released version for feature enhancments or debugging.
You can list available tags by issuing the command git tag
, then use the result
# 1. Obtain a list of tags, which matches to release versions
git tag
# 2. Set a convenience variable with the desired TAG
# TAG=android-v9.2.1
# TAG=android-v9.4.2
# TAG=ios-v5.12.0-pre.1
# 3. Check out a particular TAG
git checkout tags/$TAG -b $TAG
# 4. build, debug or enhance features based on the tag
# clean, if you need to troubleshoot build dependencies by using `make clean`
Make sure you have set Android SDK path in platform/android/, variable sdk.dir
cd platform/android
BUILDTYPE=Release make apackage
Binaries are produced in platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/outputs/aar/MapboxGLAndroidSDK-release.aar
Please refer to Mapbox Maps SDK for Android for detailed instructions.
You can run automated test on a Simulator or Device by changing to the Scheme iosapp
and choosing Product
> Test
(or use ⌘-U
). Use ⌘-9
to navigate to Reports
to see results and browse through screenshots. This method of testing should work well with CI tools such as GitHub Actions, Xcode Server Bots, & AWS Device Farm.
cd platform/ios
# make and open the Xcode workspace
make iproj
# make Xcode workspace, but run in headless mode
make iproj CI=1
# Make Frameworks
make xcframework BUILDTYPE=Release
# test
make ios-test
# UITests
# You can review uitest results: $(IOS_OUTPUT_PATH)/Logs/Test
make ios-uitest
The packaging script will produce a Mapbox.xcframework
in the platform/ios/build/ios/pkg/dynamic
Please refer to Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS for detailed instructions.
cd platform/ios
make xpackage
This produces a Mapbox.framework
in the platform/ios/build/macos/pkg/
Please refer to Mapbox Maps SDK for macos for detailed instructions.