This is a basic decentralized application that lets you to buy and sell things over ethereum blockchain using react web app.
- Install [ Truffle : Framework For Building Dapp ].
npm install truffle -g
- Download [ Ganache GUI Software ] used to fire local ethereum blockchain.
Note : If you are more comfortable with CLI , you can also leverage it's CLI version. Install Ganache-CLI :
npm install -g ganache-cli
- Install a chrome extension of a crypto-wallet Metamask to make transaction of buying and selling the product.
Connect your truffle project to local blockchain fired by Ganache GUI. For Help - Click Here
After that move to folder where your cloned the project and type on your terminal -
truffle compile
truffle migrate
npm run start
NOTE : If you want to use this DAPP over public ethereum blockchain like Kovan , Ropsten , Ethereum Mainnet etc .First of all you will have to connect to these networks with the help of a ethereum node of respective networks. To get endpoint of ethereum node of one of these networks use Infura.Then deploy and use it on that network with the help of that node.