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Alex edited this page Apr 3, 2021 · 1 revision

Here are some quick example usages of jwb-index:

List language and category code names

jwb-index -L
jwb-index -C

Download the latest videos in English, giving them human readable names

jwb-index -d --latest --friendly

Download all Monthly broadcasts in Swahili from 2019 January to present (Windows)

jwb-index -d -c StudioMonthlyPrograms -l SW -Q 360 --since 2019-01-01 C:\Users\User\Videos\JWB

Initiate a video collection for Plex, starting 2021, with medium quality, using fast download

jwb-index -d -m filesystem --since 2021-01-01 -Q 480 --limit-rate=0 C:\Users\User\Videos\JWB

Updating that Plex collection

jwb-index -d -m filesystem -Q 480 --update C:\Users\User\Videos\JWB

Create a playlist of all Interviews, Programs and Events in French, starting with the newest

jwb-index -m m3u -c VODIntExp,VODProgramsEvents -l F --sort newest InterviewPlaylist.m3u

Shuffle and play Original, Vocal and Instrumental songs with VLC

jwb-index -c AudioOriginalSongs,SJJChorus,SJJInstrumental --sort random -m run vlc

Find out which Morning worship brother Sanderson talked about letters by searching the subtitles (Linux)

jwb-index -c VODPgmEvtMorningWorship --since 2020-01-01 --download-subtitles --friendly
grep -i letter *.vtt
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