Sava Constantin-Alin, 151
Balauta Amargheoalei Albert Ionut, 152
For encryption:
python3 password decryptedFile output
For decryption:
python3 ecryptedFile password output
Team name: Spaghetti Code
Project link:
Password: AsJY74sL93fgsd
We start from the idea that the character ' ' (space) is the most used character in a Romanian text. We don't know the length of the password so we try every possibility between 10 and 15. For a k length we separate the bytes from the encrypted file into k substrings:
0, k, 2k .......................
1, k + 1, 2k + 1................
k-1, k + (k-1), 2k + (k - 1)....
For each substring: We use a dictionary to find the frequency of every byte from the encrypted file. The byte with the greatest frequency corresponds to the character ' ' (space) from the original text. If we xor that byte with the ASCII code of ' ' (32) we'll find a character from the password.