Thank you for your interest in AgileDwarf
Download the package from
for Redmine 2.x: unpack it into #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins for Redmine 1.x: unpack it into #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins
Name the unpacked folder 'AgileDwarf'
OR instead of downloading and unpacking
execute git clone in corresponding folder.
In #{RAILS_ROOT} run the command
rake redmine:plugins:migrate
Restart Redmine
Change settings for plugin via Administration -> Plugins -> Agile dwarf plugin -> Configure
Agile Dwarf plugin implements the agile method based on pre-estimating every task in hours (as opposed to in points).
It adds 3 new tabs to your Redmine:
'Sprints' is intended for strategical planning or long-term management of backlog and sprints:
- Quick backlog issues creation
- Flexible sprints management
- Drag & Drop support for items between backlog and sprints
- Short sprint and backlog stats
- Detailed sprint stats
- Creating/Managing/Updating sprints
- Prioritising stories/issues
'Tasks' is for day-by-day use, every member of the team can manage his tasks quickly and efficiently:
- Current tasks for every member grouped by status (New, In Progress, Resolved)
- Drag & Drop support for tasks in status groups
- Quick time and progress tracking
- Configure AgileDwarf to use your workflow by setting the number of columns that should be displayed in the task board
'Run charts' is an instant overview of current project status:
- One chart displays remaining and spent time at any point of the project lifecycle
- You can easily switch the chart time scope (the whole projects or any given sprint) and team scope (the whole team or any member)