A little django app that uses py-moneyed to add support for Money fields in your models and forms.
Fork of the django support that was in http://code.google.com/p/python-money/
This version adds tests, and comes with several critical bugfixes.
Via py-moneyed, django-moneyed gets:
- Support for proper Money value handling (using the standard Money design pattern)
- A currency class and definitions for all currencies in circulation
- Formatting of most currencies with correct currency sign
Django-money currently needs py-moneyed v0.4 (or later) to work.
You can install django-money by doing:
pip install djmoney
This will automatically install the appropriate dependencies.
You can obtain the source code for django-money from here:
And the source for py-moneyed from here:
Use as normal model fields
import moneyed
from djmoney.models.fields import MoneyField
from django.db import models
class BankAccount(models.Model):
balance = MoneyField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default_currency='USD')
Searching for models with money fields:
from moneyed import Money, USD, CHF
account = BankAccount(balance=Money(10, USD))
swissAccount = BankAccount(balance=Money(10, CHF))
BankAccount.objects.filter(balance__gt=Money(1, USD))
# Returns the "account" object
If you use South to handle model migration, things will "Just Work" out of the box. South is an optional dependency and things will work fine without it.
Django-money leaves you to use any custom model managers you like for your models, but it needs to wrap some of the methods to allow searching for models with money values.
This is done automatically for the "objects" attribute in any model that uses MoneyField. However, if you assign managers to some other attribute, you have to wrap your manager manually, like so:
from djmoney.models.managers import money_manager
class BankAccount(models.Model):
balance = MoneyField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default_currency='USD')
accounts = money_manager(MyCustomManager())
Also, the money_manager wrapper only wraps the standard QuerySet methods. If you define custom QuerySet methods, that do not end up using any of the standard ones (like "get", "filter" and so on), then you also need to manually decorate those custom methods, like so:
from djmoney.models.managers import understand_money
class MyCustomQuerySet(QuerySet):
def my_custom_method(*args,**kwargs):
# Awesome stuff