Easily scaffold non-production APIs in any or all of following Architectures:
- GraphQl (HotChocolate)
- Grpc (Code First protobuf-net.Grpc)
- REST (ASP.NET Core Controllers)
and Explore Data with:
AdminDashboard (using Blazor, Radzen Table and MudBlazor UI)
Minimum required dotnet version: .NET8
- Create any model with a
partial class
and add relevant Attribute for ex:RestApi
[GrpcApi] // Whicherver is desired
public partial class Product
public Guid Id { get; set; }
- Configure
by default Data is stored in Memory with Entity FrameworkUseInMemoryDatabase
For Database add relavent Db package for Entity Framework and configure KurzSharp
similar way to Entity Framework
config. (ex: PostgresDb):
services.AddKurzSharp(o => o.UseNpgsql(configuration.GetConnectionString("ProductsDb")));
Map Routes and Services:
🎉 You API is ready, Run project and open Swagger Docs.
For GraphQl API open Bana Cake Pop at http://localhost:5114/graphql
For REST or Grpc API open Swagger at http://localhost:5114/swagger
For Admin Dashboard UI open http://localhost:5114/KurzSharp/ or sub page with /{EntityName}s
For more information please check examples/TestApi
- Hook into process to control how/what information on Entity is modified/observed with following hooks. Hook
automatically attached the Model, just
the required ones.TDto OnBeforeCreate(TDto dto)
IEnumerable<TDto> OnBeforeCreate(IEnumerable<TDto> dtos)
IQueryable<TDto> OnBeforeRead(IQueryable<TDto> dtos)
TDto OnBeforeRead(TDto dto)
TDto OnBeforeUpdate(TDto dto)
Enumerable<TDto> OnBeforeUpdate(IEnumerable<TDto> dto)
TDto OnBeforeDelete(TDto dto)
IEnumerable<TDto> OnBeforeDelete(IEnumerable<TDto> dto)
public partial class Product
private readonly ILogger<Product> _logger;
public Product(ILogger<Product> logger)
_logger = logger;
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Password { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public override ProductDto OnBeforeCreate(ProductDto dto)
_logger.LogInformation("DI is working...");
return dto;
When a KurzSharp
attributes like RestApi
, GraphQlApi
or GrpcApi
is added on some Model class, it creates a new
entity which has the same properties as the Model. The Model
is used to store data through
Entity Framework Core
and Dto
is sent over the wire through API. It also takes attributes from the properties and
puts them on the Dto
's properties for example: JsonIgnoreAttribute