This is Twitter's [WordCountJob
] wordcount example for Scalding scalding adapted to run on Hadoop and Amazon Elastic MapReduce as a standalone job - i.e. without requiring scald.rb
etc. It also includes Specs2 tests.
This was rebuilt as a Scala Maven project by the [Headhunter] hh team from Scala SBT project built by [Snowplow Analytics] snowplow team, as a proof of concept for porting our ETL process to Scalding to run on [Amazon Elastic MapReduce] emr.
For a much fuller Scalding example, see the Snowplow [Hadoop ETL] snowplow-hadoop-etl project.
$ git clone git://
$ cd scalding-example-project
$ mvn package
The 'fat jar' is now available as:
The assembly
command above runs the test suite - but you can also run this manually with:
$ mvn test
[info] + A WordCount job should
[info] + count words correctly
[info] Passed: : Total 2, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 2, Skipped 0
Assuming you have already assembled the jarfile (see above), now upload the jar to Amazon S3.
Next, upload the data file [data/hello.txt
] hello-txt to S3.
Finally, you are ready to run this job using the [Amazon Ruby EMR client] emr-client:
$ elastic-mapreduce --create --name "scalding-example-project" \
--jar s3n://{{JAR_BUCKET}}/scalding-example-project-0.0.4.jar \
--arg ru.hh.scalding.WordCountJob \
--arg --hdfs \
--arg --input --arg s3n://{{IN_BUCKET}}/hello.txt \
--arg --output --arg s3n://{{OUT_BUCKET}}/results
Replace {{JAR_BUCKET}}
and {{OUT_BUCKET}}
with the appropriate paths.
Once the output has completed, you should see a folder structure like this in your output bucket:
+- part-00000
Download the part-00000
file and check that it contains:
goodbye 1
hello 1
world 2
If you are trying to run this on a non-Amazon EMR environment, you may need to edit:
And comment out the Hadoop jar exclusions:
// "hadoop-core-0.20.2.jar", // Provided by Amazon EMR. Delete this line if you're not on EMR
// "hadoop-tools-0.20.2.jar" // "
Fork this project and adapt it into your own custom Scalding job.
To invoke/schedule your Scalding job on EMR, check out:
- [Spark Plug] spark-plug for Scala
- Elasticity elasticity for Ruby
- Boto boto for Python
Nothing planned currently.
Copyright 2012-2013 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, with significant portions copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc. Copyright 2014 Headhunter LLC
Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0] license (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.