A lite movie guide app, that lets you discover movies from TMDb.
- Provides an infinite scrolling list of movies in theatres from TMDb API
- Allows search on type for movies
- View movie details like poster, description, rating etc.
Application is built on top of MVVM model and Clean Architecture. The code is written in Kotlin. The goal is to present modern Android application architecture that is modular, scalable, maintainable and testable.
Take a look at config.gradle and fill it with your own API key like this:
- Coroutines for concurrency
- Hilt for dependency injection
- Paging 3 for infinte scroll
- Navigation Component for navigating within the App
- Retrofit for REST API communication
- OkHttp for http & logging
- Glide for image loading
- Moshi for parsing JSON into Java objects
- Lottie for animations
- Timber for logging
- MockK for mocking inside the Unit Test