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An android client for Imgur API that presents a modern, 2020 approach to Android application development with up to date tech-stack.


  • Show Gallery images in a grid view
  • Show image title & description over the image, bottom-aligned
  • Cache images in both memory and disk
  • Allow selecting the gallery section section: hot, top, user, include/exclude viral images from the result set
  • When clicking an image in the gallery - show its details: big image, title, description, upvotes, downvotes, and score.
  • Allow switching between list/grid/ staggered grid view
  • Allow specifying window and sort parameters
  • Hide/show the action bar when scrolling the list
  • Handle screen orientation change


Min API level is set to 21, so the presented approach is suitable for over 85% of devices running Android.


Application is built on top of MVVM model and Clean Architecture. The code is written in Kotlin. The goal is to present modern Android application architecture that is modular, scalable, maintainable and testable.

Presentation layer

This layer is closest to what the user sees on the screen. The presentation layer follows MVVM architecture.

Domain layer

This is the core layer of the application. Notice that the domain layer is independent of any other layers. This allows to make domain models and business logic independent from other layers.


  • UseCase - contains business logic
  • DomainModel - defies the core structure of the data that will be used within the application. This is the source of truth for application data.
  • Repository interface - required to keep the domain layer independent from the data layer

Data layer

Manages application data and exposes these data sources as repositories to the domain layer. Typical responsibilities of this layer would be to retrieve data from the internet and optionally cache this data locally.


  • Repository is exposing data to the domain layer. Depending on application structure and quality of the external APIs repository can also merge, filter, and transform the data. The intention of these operations is to create high-quality data source for the domain layer, not to perform any business logic (domain layer use case responsibility).

  • RetrofitService - defines a set of API endpoints.

  • DataModel - defines the structure of the data retrieved from the network and contains annotations, so Retrofit (Moshi) understands how to parse this network data (XML, JSON, Binary...) this data into objects.

External dependencies

All the external dependencies (external libraries) are defined in the single place - config.gradle.


You need to register the App on Imgur. After registering you'll get a Client ID and a Client Secret Key.

Create a file named in root folder and copy the below in

CLIENT_ID = "xxxxxxx..."
CLIENT_SECRET = "xxxxxxxxxxx..."

and replace the xxxx with the Client ID and the Client Secret Key you got from registering at Imgur.

Design decisions

  • Architecture - MVVM separates your view (i.e. Activitys and Fragments) from your business logic. MVVM is enough for small projects, but when your codebase becomes huge, your ViewModels start bloating. Separating responsibilities becomes hard. MVVM with Clean Architecture is pretty good in such cases. It goes one step further in separating the responsibilities of your code base. It clearly abstracts the logic of the actions that can be performed in your app.

  • Caching - Glide checks multiple layers of caches before starting a new request for an image. It first checks to see if the resource is in memory and if so, return the image immediately. In the second step it checks to see if the image is on disk and return quickly, but asynchronously. If above steps fail to find the image, then Glide will go back to the original source to retrieve the data (the original File, Uri, Url etc).

  • Infinite loading & Error states handling - The Paging library helps you load and display pages of data from a larger dataset from local storage or over network and provides below features:

    • In-memory caching for your paged data.
    • Configurable RecyclerView adapters that automatically request data as the user scrolls toward the end of the loaded data.
    • Built-in support for error handling, including refresh and retry capabilities.
  • Scroll behavior - CollapsingToolbarLayout is a wrapper for Toolbar which implements a collapsing app bar.

  • Orientation change - The ViewModel class allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations.

  • Sorting & filtering - FloatingActionButton hovers over content to promote a primary action in the application.

  • Switching between list/grid/staggered grid view - By changing the LayoutManager a RecyclerView can be used to implement a standard vertically scrolling list, a uniform grid, staggered grids, horizontally scrolling collections and more.


This is project is a case study for Android Developer position at Eurowings Digital. The case study was completed in approximately 8 hours.



Gallery Application






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