Data helps us make better decisions, and the tools that enable this should be easy to understand, transparent, and fully controllable.
The aim of this project is to provide a lightweight, self-deployable, alternative to Google Analytics to support fast data driven decision making in a web development context. It's designed to give engineering teams an easy way to record events, pageviews, and conduct downstream analysis, like attribution modelling, A/B or MAB testing, session tracking, et cetera. All of which are possible in a ready to deploy, OSS system where you have access over the data!
Currently, this project is a work in progress, and the features currently complete are:
- Generate UUID representing User Session and store in PostgreSQL
- Store Page Views in PostgreSQL
- Store Events in PostgreSQL
- Protect Routes via API KEY
- Javascript code to generate session
- SQL code to intialize DB
- Devops code for build -> TravisCI integration w/ mock test suites
- Test environmental variables + DB setup
- Test suite for Servant Endpoints
- Javascript Object for session with pageview/event methods, backed up by cookie store
- Test suite for Javascript Integration (create user session, navigate through pages, check db)
- Support for A/B test and MAB variant assignment
- Add top-level domain field to pageview
- Send more tracking data from browser back to db (user agent, time zone, language, ip, et cetera)
- Heroku Deploy for pre-existing DB
- DB deploy script [POSIX compliant systems]
First, you need to have postgres installed and running locally. To do this, we will use the postgresql helper fns pg_ctl, create{db,user}
$ brew install postgresql
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start && brew services start postgresql
$ createdb analytics
$ createuser analytics
Note: these are destructive, table destroying actions, use them only to set up the the database
$ stack build
$ source config/dev.env && stack exec -- analytics-migrations
For the analytics server.
- Make sure a production DB is set up, and that the migrations/db set up have been successfully performed. This can be done by getting the prod config, and running
source [production config] && stack exec -- analytics-migrations
. - Set up heroku project
- use the haskell build pack
$ heroku buildpacks:set --app {project_name}
- In heroku, set environment variables, API_KEY, CORS_ORIGIN, DBCONN. Note, on heroku, the environmental variable
has to be set by the heroku environment. - on cmd line,
$ heroku git:remote -a [project-name]
The local tests will spin up a postgres instance, and a warp server for the sake of testing. This is designed to mock the TravisCI environment. To run the tests with the proper configuration variables set:
$ source config/test-local.env && stack test