Releases: abrcheng/SharePointOnlineQuickAssist
Release new version 1.22.0601
- Bug fix.
- Added script for syncing user properties from AAD to SharePoint Online user profile,
SharePointOnlineQuickAssist/KBs/UAP/SyncUserPropertiesFromAADToSPOProfile at main · abrcheng/SharePointOnlineQuickAssist ( - Completed Japanese localization! よろしくお願いいたします!
The new release provides a summary of the file/folder changes in the site, including Updated/Deleted.
To get the report, select "Get File Changes". We can specify the target site, modified user email, start date and end date. We can also filter the changes by the path.
Then, click "Get Files".
The filtered items can also be exported by clicking "Export".
Added permission check function
In daily work we see a lot of customers reported permission issue, so we summary some common scenarios which may cause the performance issue and added the permission check function for checking below settings,
- There isn't any documents without check-in version in the library.
- The file can be found.
- The user has read permission on the document
- The document is not in draft version
- The library hasn't been set to only the author can read/write the item
- Limited-access user permission lockdown mode of the site collection has been disabled
- The affected user has view permission on the library.
- The customization of the modern/classic page
a. Specify the user and object which need to be checked, click "check issue" button
Add the feature for filter and restore items from SPO recycle bin, a lot of users complain about they can't filter and restore items from recycle bin, so we developed this feature which allow user to perform below actions,
- Filter the items from recycle bin by delete date, delete by, path,
Release new version
We have added new feature for fixing Missing New/Display/Edit Forms.
Missing New/Display/Edit Forms for list and library will caused a lot of issue, e.g. version history can't be loaded,
With the new feature (available in version, this issue can be fixed in 30 seconds,
This is the first public release version