This project is related to my Advanced Full-Stack Web Development Nanodegree Program.It handles the database that conatins tables for user,products and is able to track orders of users including its status.It has two environments the testing environment and developing environment.It is a resful api that uses JWT for authentication covering only crud operations with their tests. Moreover, it follows the standardized project folder structure.
- Authentication using stateless JWT
- CRUD operations for users, purchases and products
- Integration with PostgreSQL database
- Test-driven development
Port, at which database is running is 5432 Go to postgres: add a user called 'for_apps' with password: 'password' Create two databases: 'first_databse', 'first_database_test'
Grant ALL privileges on the two databases to the created user 'for_apps'
to run tests : npm run test-db
to run server: set ENV=dev db-migrate --env dev up npm run start