Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/1920517
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/results/smithy/1920517/latest
Pipeline: No Pipeline
This patch release includes the following changes:
New Features and Improvements
- #46 CPLAT-6938 Add flag to upgrade abstract components
- CPLAT-6938 Component2 codemod - add FIXME to Component upgrades that might cause breaking changes
- #52 CPLAT-7393 Add logic to handle components with mixin(s)
- CPLAT-7393 Component2 codemod: components with mixins should be considered "partial" upgrades.
- #58 CPLAT-6563 Codemod to migrate consumer overlays to new APIs, fixing deprecations
- CPLAT-6563 Codemod to migrate consumer overlays to new APIs, fixing deprecations
- #59 RM-58005 Release over_react_codemod 1.3.2 (CPLAT-7563 comment escape hatch)
- CPLAT-7563 Add escape hatch for react_dom render codemod
- RM-58005 RELEASE over_react_codemod 1.3.2
Notes created on Tuesday, October 01 09:28 PM UTC