An Object.assign like utility that preserve descriptors, as in accessors or value, or configurable, or writable, etc.
import assignProperties from 'assign-properties';
const assignProperties = require('assign-properties');
// <script src="">
Same Object.assign API
// the issue with assign is that copies are values
const before = Object.assign({}, {get random() { return Math.random() }});
// mixins are broken this way
before.random === before.random; // true
// with assignProperties, everything is fine
const after = assignProperties({}, {get random() { return Math.random() }});
// the getter is passed along instead of being lost in the process
after.random === after.random; // false
const base = {get random() { return Math.random() }};
const spread = {...base};
spread.random === spread.random; // true
So, if you want to bring accessors to the mix, this module is your stop.