Project L2 Informatic ISTIC Semester 3, Object Programming
In this fanbase game, inspired by the famous BINDING OF ISAAC (gameplay repentance)
After lauching the in a java IDE :
You're leaving your House Isaac !
Your Mother want you bad things...
Go Deeper into the cave, flee your Mother and all the monstrosity hiding in thoses caves.
You will spawn in a Room where all begin. //TODO make the Spawn's floor different from the other
Choose your way; Cross a door.
If you certainly falling into a agressive Room ! //TODO recreate obstacle position by creating a grid from RoomInfos to simplefy its creation
Full of Astrocity ! Fly, Moter of Fly and even the spider want you dead !
Kill them... with what ? Yours tears ! Press the arrow on you keyboard to cry on your ennemy !
Once it done. Take your reward (if you dropped one, if not don't worry about your bad luck). //TODO permit the player to take those
You can see your goodies stacked up in the stats meter on the left of your screen. //TODO display stats/pickup
Pursue your way, clear Rooms.
Eventually you will cross a Shop. //TODO implement Shop content
Stop by to see if you're rich enough to buy one of the item the shopKepper sells you. //TODO put a shopKeeper for lore
Leave when you're done.
If you already see a monstrous door, it probably hide the Boos Room behind it... //TODO change door that lead to the BossRoom to actual BoosRoomDoor sprite
ENTER and FACE your destiny !
Fight until you're dead !
If you manage to kill the Floor Boss, a item from the BossItemPool will spawn. //TODO dealy win_Screen to the trap or chest
Take this item to complete your stuff. //TODO spawn a boss item pool when defeting the boss.
If you're lucky and good enough a DealRoom will spawn too.
Enter to make a deal with the Devil or don't to see Angels gift next floor... //TODO implement AngelRoom, DevilDeal chance
Now you have the choice to opti this floor, go back buy items, explode Marked Rocks to get a chest or BlueHeart, clear the remaining rooms to farm pickUp.
When you're done, jump into the trap, and be ready to fight for your life again ! //TODO implement at least 2 floor (to see eventually the AngelRoom)
If you're still not dead; //TODO Implement a proper Death Screen
The chest is your hope. Jump right into it, Hide yourself in there.
And hope for Mother doesn't open this chest. //TODO rool end Credit, with cut screen or diaporama explaining the story.