Changes since NeuroDOT v1.3:
- GUIs
- NeuroDOT Render Tool: interactive GUI to select a NIfTI or 4dfp overlay and render the data on a default or custom cortical mesh. Alternatively, data may be passed to the app directly from the command line or from within a script.
- Format Compatibility updates:
- SaveVolumetricData: added option for saving in nii.gz format
- snirf2ndot: updated to work on variables in the workspace, in addition to optionally accepting file inputs
- lumo2ndot: added compatibility with Gowerlabs LUMO systems
- New Support Files:
- Added Glasser and Schaefer Parcellation files to Support Files: Glasser_2016_Parcels.nii, Glasser_12nets_360parcels_on_MNI.mat, Schaefer2018_7nets_300parcels_on_MNI.mat, Schaefer2018_7nets_400parcels_on_MNI.mat, and Schaefer2018_17nets_400parcels_on_MNI.mat
- Other function updates:
- Resample_Vol_to_Parcel: resamples data to a single time trace for each parcel in the field of view of a specified volume
- Plot_RawData_Cap_DQC: added new layouts for "tall" arrays in 2D; fixed colorbar orientation for arrays with single source-detector separation distances.
- Plot_RawData_Metrics_II_DQC: added params.logfft to plot power spectrum on log-log axes; by default, both axes will be logarithmic; to set the y-axis to be linear, set params.logfft = 0
- Tutorial & Documentation updates:
- Tutorial for Participant Specific Head Modeling
- Utilizes FreeSurfer 7.2 recon_all segmentation routine, compatible with Linux OS (CentOS6, CentOS7, CentOS8, and Ubuntu18)
- Mac OS compatibility coming soon!
- Excluding FreeSurfer, the script is compatible with Windows and Mac operating systems.
- Utilizes FreeSurfer 7.2 recon_all segmentation routine, compatible with Linux OS (CentOS6, CentOS7, CentOS8, and Ubuntu18)
- Updated contact information and created feedback and user registration forms
- Contact NeuroDOT development team: [email protected]
- NeuroDOT feedback:
- NeuroDOT user registration: