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Releases: ViaVersion/ViaRewind


06 Dec 15:37
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  • Fixed wrong name in plugin.yml (@Remigio07)
  • Fixed errors with passengers in 1.9->1.8
  • Fixed data loose in echantment table item rewriting in 1.8->1.7 (@LeeGodSRC)

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14 Oct 15:37
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  • Change player combat death message to be shown above the hotbar in 1.9->1.8
    • Added a setting to disable the death message completely
  • Fixed entity data handling after respawning in 1.8->1.7 (@calcastor, @FlorianMichael)
    • Fixed players being stuck in respawn screens sometimes
  • Fixed race condition in destroy entity handling in 1.8->1.7 (@ItsClairton)
  • Fixed and improved dimension switch handling

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28 Jul 14:37
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  • Made versions in fabric.mod.json more specific (only on ViaFabric).
  • Fix edge cases in empty item nbt handling in 1.9->1.8
  • Prevent creation of empty nbts for creative mode clients in 1.8->1.7
  • Fixed sign editor screen not working in 1.8->1.7
  • Skip invalid entity data in both versions.
  • Restore new PLAYER_COMBAT packet behaviour in 1.9->1.8
  • Keep entity data after respawn in 1.8->1.7

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27 Jun 16:15
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  • API: Add getter/setter for CooldownStorage#visualizationFactory (by EnZaXD)
  • Slightly improve wording in config.yml (by EnZaXD)
  • Add setting for levitation emulation in 1.9->1.8 (by EnZaXD)
  • Fix entity type exceptions when processing metadata for unknown entities (by EnZaXD)

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16 Jun 16:17
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ViaVersion and ViaBackwards 5.0.0 support!

Java 17 requirement

  • See on how to update your Java version
  • Even Minecraft 1.8 is mostly able to run on Java 17, although for a better experience you should use a fork that fixes smaller issues
  • Some older versions require the Paper.IgnoreJavaVersion system property to be set (-DPaper.IgnoreJavaVersion=true as a startup flag), but run perfectly fine using Java 17
  • If all else fails, use the Java 8 compatibility builds we provide at risk of not receiving support for issues it could cause - you should not make yourself depend on these too much, they will generally only be updated on releases

Other important changes

The main ViaRewind jar no longer supports Bungee and Sponge, they have been moved to separate plugins. Sponge has seen almost no usage and the current Bungee platform is pretty broken due to missing injection points, + Bungee has generally been unusable for weeks after every recent Minecraft update.

See for more information.


  • Small fixes to edge case in data parsing in 1.8->1.7 (by EnZaXD)
  • Fixed hologram handling in 1.8->1.7 (by EnZaXD)
  • Remove shulker box title fix which got moved into VB (by EnZaXD)
  • Fixed /offhand command not working in 1.9->1.8 (by EnZaXD)

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10 May 11:20
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  • Fixed destroy entity handling (1.8->1.7) which would cause player kicks for negative bound errors
  • Fixed packet sending at some places
  • Fixed metadata handling (1.8->1.7), issues fixed by this:
    • Custom bossbars not working
    • Effects not working properly
  • Fixed some sounds being wrong on 1.9->1.8
  • Fixed block state mappings (causing doors to be broken)
  • Updated project description
  • Fix bow animation not working in 1.9->1.8
  • Catch exceptions in custom payload handling


05 May 14:56
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  • Fixed crash when vehicles getting unloaded (1.8->1.9)
  • Fixed 1.8->1.9 window items translation
  • Fixed some item mappings causing the client to crash (1.8->1.9)
  • Cleaned up mapping files
  • Rewrite enchantment window properties in 1.8->1.9
  • Map END_GATEWAY to END_PORTAL in 1.8->1.9
  • Fix mob spawner entity data translation in 1.8->1.9
  • Don't handle entity properties for holograms (1.8->1.9)


26 Apr 13:35
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Important dependency change

Starting with this version, ViaRewind will depend on ViaBackwards meaning you have to install ViaBackwards on your client or server in order to use ViaRewind. This change has been made so ViaRewind can use internal API of ViaBackwards, especially mappings. With this being said, it's now possible to change item mappings for both versions (1.7->1.8 and 1.8->1.9). They are now located inside .json files.

In addition to that, the viarewind-universal artifact on has been changed to viarewind so make sure to update your build script in case you are depending on ViaRewind.

Changes to existing version support

  • Added new config options to disable and change the /offhand command (1.8->1.9)
  • Improved entity tracking and metadata rewriting a lot (both versions).
  • Added a setting to always show the original name of mapped mobs.
  • Catch exceptions in custom payload handling (both versions).
  • Move out sound mappings into .nbt files (both versions).

The minimal required ViaVersion and ViaBackwards version is 4.10.0


05 Mar 19:01
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  • Fixed 1.9 -> 1.8 use item translation
  • Fixed 1.8 -> 1.9 explosion packet translation being broken
  • Deleted a lot unused code and fixed some crashes
  • Added missing creeper metadata (18) in 1.8 -> 1.9
  • Fixed mc versions list on hangar releases
  • Tidy up fabric.mod.json
  • Added ViaRewindPlatform#getDataFolder to match VV/VB style
  • ->
  • Use equals in legacy custom payload channel comparisons (1.7 -> 1.8)
  • Mark VR as library for ModMenu (fabric platform)
  • Fixed painting rotations in 1.7 -> 1.8
  • Finished internal api rewrites


05 Dec 18:34
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  • Improved Hologram detection
  • Rewrote chunk handling (1.7 -> 1.8) completely.
  • Added more exception handling to Metadata rewriter (1.7 -> 1.8)
  • Allow platform implementation to define config path
  • Fixed metadata issues
  • Added new config options to emulate world border
  • Fixed item frame map positions being wrong (1.7 -> 1.8)
  • Show real entity names for entity replacements (1.7 -> 1.8)
  • Fixed NPE in spectator emulation
  • Added cooldown api in 1.7 -> 1.8 (SplotyCode)