This is a NetHack monster information IRC bot.
NetHack: @?monster
NetHack: @v?monster (alias for just @?)
UnNetHack: @u?monster
NetHack 3.4.3: @V?monster
UnNetHackPlus: @u+?monster
SporkHack: @s?monster
GruntHack: @g?monster
Slash'EM: @l?monster
Slash'EM Extended: @le?monster
SlashTHEM: @lt?monster
NetHack Brass: @b?monster
dNetHack: @d?monster
notdNethack: @n?monster
notnotdNethack: @nn?monster
EvilHack: @e?monster
XNetHack: @x?monster
SpliceHack: @sp?monster
Hack'EM: @h?monster
Pinobot is made up of two components:
: This part connects to IRC network.pinobot-monsterdb
: This part connects topinobot-frontend
This design allows you to independently upgrade pinobot-monsterdb
, without
needing to disconnect Pinobot from IRC.
There is a file called pinobot_config.toml
in the root of this repository.
When you run pinobot, it will look for this file to figure out where it should
connect, what nickname it should use, etc.
# Assuming cabal and ghc are installed.
# Terminal 1
$ cabal new-run pinobot-frontend
# Terminal 2, after `pinobot-frontend` has launched
$ cabal new-run pinobot-monsterdb
cabal new-run pinobot-join '#foobar'
cabal new-run pinobot-part '#foobar'
The NetHack code that was used in the generation of monster data is given as a patch in patch/unixmain.patch. You need to patch the file sys/unix/unixmain.c with that patch file.
You don't need to mess with the patch file unless you are a developer and want to hack with the data for some reason.