Low Latency Mode and Forecasting Outflow Scenarios v3.0.14 (after v3.0.13)
In this release, we have:
- Enhanced Low-Latency Functionality: RAT can now run in operational mode with significantly reduced latency as low as 0.
- Updated Forecasting Plugin: The forecasting plugin has been upgraded to allow forecast generation for multiple past dates. Also, user can now provide scenarios to get forecasted outflow. One of the scenarios is 'ST' where user can provide different values of storage change expressed as a percentage of maximum reservoir capacity.
- Updated IMERG Precipitation Web Links: The web links for downloading historical IMERG data (prior to 2024) have been updated to match those for current data. This change reflects the revision of the IMERG product version for historical data to V07B, which is now the same as the version for recent IMERG data. These updates were implemented on June 1, 2024, on the IMERG web servers.
- Updated RAT documentation: To reflect the changes in the forecasting plugin and the possibility of using low latency in operational mode.
What's Changed
- Corrected internal links in RATdocs by @SanchitMinocha in #107
- corrected internal links in Ratdocs by @SanchitMinocha in #108
- Hot fixed web link on ratdocs by @SanchitMinocha in #109
- Optimized multiple basin run; Added handling of case when max temp is greater than min temp in the raw data received from server; Handled Memory Leak Edge Cases by @SanchitMinocha in #111
- Added ability to run at a low latency of less than 3 days (0-3) by @SanchitMinocha in #112
- Updated docs to describe the working of 0 latency by @SanchitMinocha in #114
- Updated docs: actual ST forecasting scenario by @SanchitMinocha in #115
Full Changelog: v3.0.13...v3.0.14